Observations on the Mussulmauns of India eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 594 pages of information about Observations on the Mussulmauns of India.

Observations on the Mussulmauns of India eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 594 pages of information about Observations on the Mussulmauns of India.

Kaabah, Ka’bah, the holy place at Mecca;
  water spout at
Kaanaut, qanat, the side walls of a tent
Kaarawaun, kawan, a caravan
Kaareem Zund, Karim Khan Zand, anecdote of;
Kaarjil, kajal, lampblack applied to the eyes
Kaawaus, khawass, a special female attendant
Kabooza, kharbuzah, the melon
Kalipha, khalifah, a Caliph, head servant;
Kallonie wallah, khilauniwala, a toy-seller
Kannoge, the city of Kanauj;
  founded by Cain;
  destroyed by an earthquake
Katorah, katora, a shallow drinking cup
Kauflaah, kafilah, a caravan
Kaullie Nuddee, the Kali Nadi river
Kauzy, Qazi, a Musalman law officer
Keebaab, kabab, pieces of meat roasted on skewers
Keerah, kira, a leech
Ketcherie, khichri, rice cooked with pulse and spices
Kettledrum, the;
  see DUNKAH
Khadijah, wife of the Prophet
Khareem Zund;
Khaun, khan, ‘lord’, a title of honour
Khaunce, Kansa, King of Mathura
Khaunie, a folk tale
Kheer, khir, milk boiled with rice
Khidmutghar, khidmatgar, a table servant
Khillaut, khil’at, a robe of honour
Khodah Afiz, Khuda hafiz, ‘God be your Protector!’
Khoraan, the Koran, Qur’an;
  its history;
  not to be translated;
  taught to girls;
  its doctrine regarding women;
  passages of, inscribed as amulets;
  learnt by heart;
  readers of
Khus-khus, khaskhas,
  the fragrant root of the grass Andropogon muricatus
Khusru Parviz, King of Persia
Khwaja Khizr, the saint
Kiblaah, qiblah, the direction assumed in prayer
Killaah, qal’a qil’a, a fort
Kirhnee, kirni, the fruit Canthium parviflorum
Kirrich, kirch, a straight thrusting sword
Kishtee, kishti, a boat
Kitchens in the zenanah
Koofah, the city Kufah
Kootub, the Qutb Minar pillar at Delhi
Kornea, Kanhaiya, Krishna
Koss, kos, a measure of distance, about two miles
Kraabaalah, Kerbela, Karbala, the holy city
Kuffin, kafn, a coffin, winding-sheet
Kummeruck, kamrak, the fruit Averrhoa Carambola
Kungoon, Bandar Kangun in the Persian Gulf
Kurah, kora, aloe water
Kurbootah, kharbuza, the shaddock fruit
Kutcher, khichar, rice boiled with pulse and spices

Labaadah, Labaadh, labada, a rain-coat
Labaun, loban, frankincense;
Ladies, European, not visiting bazars;
  Musalman, conversation of
Lahaaf, lahaf, a quilt
Lahbaun, see LABAUN
Lampblack, applied to the eyes
Lance, exercises with the
Leopards trained for sport
Leech vendors
Leechie, lichi, the fruit Nephelium Lichi

Project Gutenberg
Observations on the Mussulmauns of India from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.