I have frequently observed, among the most exalted ladies, that their female slaves are very often superbly dressed; and, on occasions of marriage ceremonies, or other scenes of festivity, they seem proud of taking them in their suite, handsomely dressed, and richly adorned with the precious metals, in armlets, bangles, chains, &c.; the lady thus adding to her own consequence by the display of her attendant slaves. The same may be observed with regard to gentlemen, who have men-slaves attending them, and who are very frequently attired in costly dresses, expensive shawls, and gold ornaments.
[1] Dargah, ‘(sacred) door-place’.
[2] ’Alam. For illustrations of
those banners see Hughes,
Dictionary of Islam,
408 ff.; Mrs. Parks, Wanderings of a
Pilgrim, ii. 18.
[3] Asaf-ud-daula, eldest son of Nawab Shuja’-ud-daula,
on whose
death in 1775 he succeeded.
He changed the seat of government
from Faizabad to Lucknow,
where he died in 1797, and was
buried in the Imambara.
He is principally remembered for
his liberality. The merchants,
on opening their shops, used to
Jisko na de Maula, Tisko de Asaf-ud-daula. Who from Heaven nought receiveth, To him Asaf-ud-daula giveth.
[4] Mr. H.C. Irwin informs me that the Dargah
is situated on the
Crommelin Road, rather more
than a mile south-west of the
Machhi Bhawan fort. It
was here that Nawab Sa’adat
’Al’i, on his
accession, vowed that he would reform his
ways—an intention
which was not realized.
[5] Nujumi, ‘an astrologer’; ’ilm-i-nujum,
[6] The numbers are greatly exaggerated.
[7] Duldul was the name of the Prophet’s mule
which he gave to
’Ali. It is often
confounded with Buraq, the
Assyrian-looking gryphon on
which he alleged that he flew to
[8] Aftabgir, ‘a sun-screen’; see p. 47.
[9] Chaunri, the bushy tail of the yak, used as a fly-flapper.
[10] Writing in 1849, General Sleeman remarks that
Dom singers and eunuchs
are the virtual rulers of
Oudh.—A Journey through Oudh, i,
lxi, 178.
[11] Almas [’the diamond’] ‘Ali
Khan, known as Miyan [’Master’]
Almas, according to General
Sleeman, was ’the greatest and best man
of any note that Oude has
produced. He held for about forty years
Miyanganj and other districts,
yielding to the Oude Government an
annual revenue of more than
eighty lacs of rupees [about L850,000].
During this time he kept the
people secure in life and property, and
as happy as people in such
a state of society can be; and the whole
country under his charge was
during his lifetime a garden. He lived
here in great magnificence,