[29] Papaiya, the papau tree, Carica papaya,
has the curious
property of making meat tender,
if placed near it.
[30] Madar, ak. The latter term is derived
from Sanskrit arka,
‘the sun’, on
account of the fiery colour of its flowers.
[31] The plant yields a silk cotton from the seeds
and a rich white bass
fibre from the bark, both
likely to be of commercial value (Watt, ii.
38 ff.)
[32] Used in equal proportions with black pepper,
the fresh blossoms are a
useful and cheap remedy for
asthma, hysteria, and epilepsy (ibid. ii.
44 ff).
[33] Sirki is the upper portion of the blossoming
stem, and
sentha the lower portion
of the reed grass Saccharum ciliare
(ibid. vi, part ii,
[34] Sarkanda is the Panjab name for the grass
arundinaceum, but it is
also applied to Saccharum ciliare in last
note (ibid. vi, part
ii, 1 f.).
[35] Khaskhas, used for screens, is the root
of the grass Andropogon
muricatus (ibid.
i, 245 ff.)
[36] Chhappar.
[37] This is true of the higher class Musalmans; but
there were
splendid gardens in the palaces
of the Moghul Emperors: see C.M.
Villiers Stuart, The Gardens
of the Great Mughals, 1913.
[38] The subject of the flowering of the bamboo has
been investigated by
Sir G. Watt, who writes:
’A bamboo may not flower before it has
attained a certain age, but
its blossoming is not fixed so arbitrarily
that it cannot be retarded
or accelerated by climatic influences. It
is an undoubted fact that
the flowering of the bamboo is decided by
causes which bring about famine,
for the providential supply of food
from this source has saved
the lives of thousands of persons during
several of the great famines
of India.’ Hence the provision of the
edible seeds by the extension
of bamboo cultivation has been
recommended as a means of
mitigating distress (Economic Dictionary,
vol. i, 373 ff., 386).
[39] Tabashir, bamboo manna, is a siliceous
substance found in the
joints of the bamboo:
considered cooling, toxic, aphrodisiac and
pectoral, but as a medicinal
agent it is inert (ibid. i. 384, Yule,
Hobson-Jobson[2], 887).
[40] A bullock carriage, Hindustani chhakra
Hobson-Jobson[2], 407
Monkeys.—Hindoo opinions of their Nature.—Instances of their sagacity.—Rooted animosity of the Monkey tribe to the snake.—Cruelty to each other when maimed.—The female remarkable for affection to its young.—Anecdotes descriptive of the belief of the Natives in the Monkey being endowed with reason.—The Monkeys and the Alligator.—The Traveller and the Monkeys.—The Hindoo and the Monkey.