Captains: Kennedy, B., Lanford, S.M., Poster,
L.P., Young, W.H.,
Cunningham, J.H., Roebuck, J.P.
Lieutenants: Wofford, J.W., Wofford, J.Y.,
Bearden, W., Layton, A.B.,
Thomas, W., Smith, R.M.
Sergeants: Bray, D.S., Wofford, W.B., Thomas,
J.A., Varner, C.P.,
McArthur, J.N., Jentry, J.L.
Corporals: Vise, James S., Nesbitt, W.A.,
Smith, W.A., Davis, A.F.,
James, G.W., Lanford, F.M., Pettitt, N.H., Roundtree,
J.R., Smith, A.S.,
West, T.H., Bass, J.B.C.
Privates: Bass, G.W., Beason, B.S., Beason,
B., Bishop, J.W., Beard,
J.C., Brewton, I., Brice, D., Birch, F.C., Bearden,
W.S., Barnett, W.H.,
Bearden, G., Cook, N., Cunningham, H.W., Chunmey,
G.W., Chunmey, J.,
Drummond, R.A., Elmore, J.H., Foster, J.A., Gwinn,
C.T., Gwinn, D., Gwinn,
M., Gwin, J., Harmon, T.P., Harmon, J., Harmon, W.,
Havener, J.P., Hyatt,
G.T., Hyatt, J., Hamby, J.H., Hill, L., Johnson, J.A.,
Lanham S.W.T.,
Lawrence, W., Lancaster, W.H., Marco, J.J., Mattox,
P., Mayes, S.S.,
Mayes, D.W., Mayes, W.J., Meadows, T.M., Meadows,
T.S., McAbee, W.,
McAbee, J., McDonald, J.E., McArther, J., Pearson,
J.W., Petty, T., Petty,
P., Pettis, B.F., Pearson, H., Roundtree, J.S., Riddle,
J.M., Riddle, T.,
Rogers, M., Rogers, J., Rogers, E., Rogers, W., Rogers,
G., Roebuck, B.F.,
Roebuck, J., Roebuck, W., Sammonds, G., Shackleford,
J.L., Stribblan,
A.C., Stribland, S., Stribland, J., Shands, B.A.,
Shands, S., Stallions,
J., Smith, B.M., Smith, S., Smith, E.F., Smith, Robt.,
Smith, W.P.,
Sherbutt, W.T., Sherbutt, S.Z., Sherbutt, A.T., Slater,
Jno., Story, G.H.,
Storey, D.G., Story, J.S., Thomas, T.S., Thomas, L.P.,
Thomas, W., Thomas,
M., Turner, J., Vehorn, W.J., Vaughan, L., Vaughan,
J., Varner.R.,
Williams, R.M., Wofford, B., Wofford, W.T., Wofford,
J.H., Wofford, W.A.,
West, T.J., West, G.W., West.E.M., West, H., Wingo,
H.A., White, R.B.,
Westmoreland, S.B., Wright, W.M., Woodruff, R., Zimmerman,
* * * * *
Roll of seventh south Carolina volunteer regiment.
Field and Staff.
Colonels: Bacon, T.G., Aiken, D.W., Bland,
Lieutenant colonel: Fair, R.A.
Majors: Seibles, E., Hard, J.S.
Adjutant: Sill, T.M.
Quartermaster: Lovelace, B.F.
Commissary sergeant: Smith, Fred.
Surgeons: Dozier, ——,
Spence, W.F., Horton, O.R.
Assistant surgeons: Carlisle, R.C.,
Stallworth, A.
Chaplain: Carlisle, J.M.
Company “A.”
Captains: Bland, Elbert, Harrison, S.
Lieutenants: Bland, J.A., Wenner, M.B.
Sergeants: Addison, H.W., Bert, A.W., Smiles,
N.G., Connels, J.R.,
Gregory, R.
Corporals: Cogburn, R.M., Mathis, C.A.,
Regan, B.G., Fair, W.B., Hill,
T.T., Butler, E.S.