Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 298 pages of information about Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science.

Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 298 pages of information about Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science.
after his return from Italy in 1837, and some letters from Mazzini written soon after his first arrival in England, But even these belong not to the memoir itself, but to the editor’s additions.  The book is therefore not to be judged by a mere literary standard, or read with expectations founded on a general knowlege of the writer’s position and associations.  On all with whom she came in contact Mrs. Fletcher produced the impression of a character singularly round and complete.  Something of the same influence is felt in the perusal of her unaffected narrative, and with readers of a reflective turn may prove a sufficient compensation for the lack of more ordinary attractions.

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Books Received.

Notes on the Manufacture of Pottery among Savage Races.  By Ch.  Fred. Hartt, A.M.  Rio de Janeiro:  Printed at the office of the “South American Mail.”

The History of My Friends; or, Home-Life with Animals.  Translated from the French of Emile Achard.  New York; G.P.  Putnam’s Sons.

The Cultivation of Art, and its Relations to Religious Puritanism and Money-Getting.  By A.R.  Cooper.  New York:  Chas. P. Somerby.

Health Fragments; or, Steps toward a True Life.  By Geo. H. Everett, M.D.  New York:  Chas. P. Somerby.

Sewerage and Sewage Utilization.  By Prof.  W.H.  Corfield, M.A.  New York:  D. Van Nostrand.

Notes of Travel in South-western Africa.  By C.J.  Andersson.  New York: 
G.P.  Putnam’s Sons.

St. George and St. Michael:  A Novel.  By George Macdonald.  New York: 
J.B.  Ford & Co.

Water and Water-Supply.  By W.H.  Corfield, M.A., M.D.  New York:  D. Van

Home Pastorals, Ballads and Lyrics.  By Bayard Taylor.  Boston:  James R.
Osgood & Co.

Soul Problems, with other Papers.  By Joseph E. Peck.  New York:  Chas.
P. Somerby.

Scripture Speculations.  By Halsey R. Stevens.  New York:  Charles P. Somerby.

Antiquity of Christianity.  By John Alberger.  New York:  Chas. P. Somerby.

The Ship in the Desert.  By Joaquin Miller.  Boston:  Roberts Brothers.

Project Gutenberg
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.