Anahuac : or, Mexico and the Mexicans, Ancient and Modern eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 382 pages of information about Anahuac .

Anahuac : or, Mexico and the Mexicans, Ancient and Modern eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 382 pages of information about Anahuac .

GARROTE, an instrument for strangling criminals.

GENTE DE RAZON (reasonable people), white men and half-breed Mexicans,
  but not Indians;_ see p._ 61.

GUAJALOTE (Aztec, huexolotl), a turkey:  see p. 228.

GULCHE, a ravine.

HACENDADO, a planter, landed proprietor, from HACIENDA (literally
  “doing,” from hacer, or facer, to do).  An estate, establishment,

HACIENDA DE BENEFICIO, an establishment for “benefiting” silver, i.e.,
  for extracting it from the ore.

HONDA, a sling.

HORNITOS (little ovens), the small cones near the volcano of Jorullo,
  which formerly emitted steam; see p. 92.

HULE (Aztec, ulli.  India-rubber?) a waterproof coat.

ICHTL (Aztec, thread), thread or string of aloe-fibre.

ITZTLI (Aztec), obsidian; see p. 100.

LAZADOR, one who throws the lazo.

LAZO. a running noose.

LEPERO, lazzarone, or proletaire; see p. 251.

LLANOS, plains.

MACHETE, a kind of bill-hook.

MALACATE (Aztec, malacatl), a spindle, spindle-head, windlass, &c.

MANTA, cotton-cloth. 
MATRACA, a rattle; see p. 49.

MESON, a Mexican caravansery; see p.

MESTIZO (mixtus) a Mexican of mixed Spanish and Aztec blood.

METATE (Aztec, metlatl) the stone used for rubbing down Indian corn into paste; see p. 88.

METALPILE (Aztec, metlapilli, i.e. little metlatl), the stone rolling-pin used in the same process.

MOLE (Aztec, mulli), Mexican stew.

MOLINO DE VIENTO (literally a windmill), a whirlwind; see p. 31.

MONTE (literally a mountain), the favourite Mexican game; see p. 256.

MOZO, a lad, servant, groom.

NINO, a child.

NOPAL (Aztec, nopalli), the prickly pear.

NOETE, the north wind; see p. 21.

OCOTE (Aztec, ocotl), a pine-tree, pine-torch.  OLLA, a boiling-pot.

PASADIZO, a passage; see p. 231.

PASEO, a public promenade.

PASO, a kind of amble; see p. 163.

PATIO, a court-yard, especially the inner court of a house.

PATIO-PROCESS, method of extracting the silver from the ore, so called
  from its being carried on in paved yards; see p. 92.

PATRON, a master, landlord.

PEDRIGAL, a lava-field.

PEOS, a debt-slave; see p. 291.

PETATE (Aztec, petlatl), a palm-leaf mat.

PITO, 1, a whistle, pipe; 2, aloe-fibre thread.

POTRERO, a water-meadow.

PULQUE, a drink made from the juice of the aloe; see p. 38. (It is a
  corruption of a native South American word, introduced into Mexico by
  the Spaniards).

Project Gutenberg
Anahuac : or, Mexico and the Mexicans, Ancient and Modern from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.