The Collectors eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 126 pages of information about The Collectors.

The Collectors eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 126 pages of information about The Collectors.
public activities, derive ultimately from his initiative.  It is he who asserts the continuity of art and illustrates its dignity.  The stewardship of art is manifold, but no one has a clearer right to that honourable title.  “Private vices, public virtues,” I hear a cynical reader murmur.  So be it.  I am ready to stand with the latitudinarian Mandeville.  The view makes for charity.  I only plead that he who covets his neighbour’s tea-jar—­I assume a desirable one, say, in old brown Kioto—­shall be judged less harshly than he who covets his neighbour’s ox.

Project Gutenberg
The Collectors from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.