Aunt Jane's Nieces at Work eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 186 pages of information about Aunt Jane's Nieces at Work.

Aunt Jane's Nieces at Work eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 186 pages of information about Aunt Jane's Nieces at Work.

Eliza came willingly.  Her manner was a little defiant at first, but when Louise drew her unobserved to the side entrance and up the staircase she grew gentle and permitted the other girl to take her arm.

Once in her room with the strange maid, Louise locked the door quietly and said to her companion with a cheerful smile: 

“Now we are quite alone, and can talk at our ease.  Take that low chair, dear, and I’ll sit here.”

Eliza obeyed, looking wistfully into the fair face of her new friend.

“You are very pretty, Eliza; and I’m sure you are as good as you’re pretty,” announced Louise.  “So you must tell me about yourself, and whether you are happy here or not.  From this time on I’m going to be your friend, you know, and keep all your secrets; and I’ll help you all I can.”

This rambling speech seemed to impress Eliza favorably.  She relaxed somewhat from the tense alertness that was habitual with her, and looked at the other girl with a softened expression.

“I’m afraid you won’t be much interested in me,” she replied, “but I need a friend—­indeed I need a friend, Miss Louise!”

“I’m sure you do.”

“At first I thought I could do without one.  I felt I must stand alone, and let no one suspect.  But—­I’m getting puzzled and bewildered, and I don’t know what to do next.”

“Of course not.  Tell me about it, dear.”

“I can’t; for I don’t know, myself.”  She leaned forward in her chair and added, in a whisper:  “I don’t even know who I am!  But that man,” with a shudder, “tried to trap me.  He said he knew Eliza Parsons, and there is no Eliza Parsons.  It’s a name I—­I invented.”

“I think I understand,” said Louise, with a little nod.  “You had to have a name, so you took that one.”

“Yes.  I don’t know why I am telling you this.  I’ve tried to hide it all so carefully.  And perhaps I’m wrong in letting this thing worry me.  In the main, I’ve been very happy and content, lately; and—­I have a feeling I was not happy before—­before—­”

“Before what, dear?”

The girl looked at her steadily and her face grew red.

“Before I lost my memory.”

For a few moments they sat silently regarding one another, the expressive features of Louise showing a silent sympathy.

“Have you really lost your memory?” she asked.

“Absolutely.  Think of it!  I wakened one morning lying by the roadside, and shivering with cold.  I had on a simple gray dress, with no hat.  The sun was just rising, and no one was near.  I examined myself with wonder, for I had no idea who I was, or how I came there.  There was no money in my pocket, and I had no jewels.  To keep warm I began walking along the road.  The scenery was all new to me; so far as I knew I had never been in the place before.

Project Gutenberg
Aunt Jane's Nieces at Work from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.