Great Britain and Her Queen eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 188 pages of information about Great Britain and Her Queen.

Great Britain and Her Queen eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 188 pages of information about Great Britain and Her Queen.

[Footnote:  C. C. F. Greville:  “A Journal of the Reign of Queen Victoria.”]

Under Melbourne’s pilotage the first months of the new reign went by with some serenity, though the political horizon remained threatening enough, and the temper of the nation appeared sullen.  “The people of England seem inclined to hurrah no more,” wrote Greville of one of the Queen’s earliest public appearances, when “not a hat was raised nor a voice heard” among the coldly curious crowd of spectators.  But the splendid show of her coronation a half-year later awakened great enthusiasm—­enthusiasm most natural and inevitable.  It was youth and grace and goodness, all the freshness and the infinite promise of spring, that wore the crimson and the ermine and the gold, that sat enthroned amid the ancient glories of the Abbey to receive the homage of all that was venerable and all that was great in a mighty kingdom, and that bowed in meek devotion to receive the solemn consecrating blessing of the Primate, according to the holy custom followed in England for a thousand years, with little or no variation since the time when Dunstan framed the Order of Coronation, closely following the model of the Communion Service.  Some other features special to this coronation heightened the national delight in it.  Its arrangements evidently had for their chief aim to interest and to gratify the people.  Instead of the banquet in Westminster Hall, which could have been seen only by the privileged and the wealthy, a grand procession through London was arranged, including all the foreign ambassadors, and proceeding from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey by a route two or three miles in length, so that the largest possible number of spectators might enjoy the magnificent pageant.  And the overflowing multitudes whose dense masses lined the whole long way, and in whose tumultuous cheering pealing bells and sounding trumpets and thundering cannon were almost unheard as the young Queen passed through the shouting ranks, formed themselves the most impressive spectacle to the half-hostile foreign witnesses, who owned that the sight of these rejoicing thousands of freemen was grand indeed, and impossible save in that England which, then as now, was not greatly loved by its rivals.  An element which appealed powerfully to the national pride and the national generosity was supplied by the presence of the Duke of Wellington and of Marshal Soult, his old antagonist, who appeared as French ambassador.  Soult, as he advanced with the air of a veteran warrior, was followed by murmurs of admiring applause, which swelled into more than murmurs for the hero of Waterloo bending in homage to his Sovereign.  A touch of sweet humanity was added to the imposing scene within the Abbey through what might have been a painful accident.  Lord Rolle, a peer between seventy and eighty years of age, stumbling and falling as he climbed the steps of the throne, the Queen impulsively moved as if to

Project Gutenberg
Great Britain and Her Queen from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.