The Historic Thames eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 187 pages of information about The Historic Thames.

The Historic Thames eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 187 pages of information about The Historic Thames.

Thames Valley,
  in Civil Wars, 86-89;
  affords William III. his approach to London, 89;
  affords Charles I. his approach to London, 89;
  economic importance of sites therein, produced by the monastic
  system, 117-121;
  railway of, draws its prosperity from beyond the valley, 121;
  towns of, 169-190.

Thomas Rowland, last Abbot of Abingdon, 150.

Thorney, original site of Westminster Abbey, 95.

Tower, the,
  its importance in campaign in Magna Charta, 74, 78-86;
  compared to Louvre, 79;
  White, true Tower of London, 79, 82;
  military misfortunes of, 83, 84;
  Jews in, 85.

Towns of Thames Valley, 160-199.

Van Sittarts succeed Mills at Bisham, 164.

Wages a basis for calculation of prices, 133, 134.

Waite obtains Chertsey, 164.

Wallingford, 22, 24, 37, 58-62, 75, 76, 177-182.

Waste land, social and strategical importance of, in Europe, 75, 76.

Water front, examples of parishes seeking, 8-11.

Watling Street, 38;
  place of crossing Thames by, 44;
  identical with Edgware Road, 44.

Weldon obtains Pangbourne, 167.

Welsh land left to Chertsey, 97.

Westminster Abbey, 63-97, 130, 137.

Westminster, 95, 69, 93, 95, 96, 130.

White Tower, 79, 82, 83.

William the Conqueror,
  crosses at Wallingford, 37;
  his choice of Windsor Hill, 65;
  exchanges Windsor with monks of Westminster, 69;
  builds Tower of London, 82;
  anointed at Westminster, 96.

William Rufus completes Tower, 82.

William III., his approach to London afforded by Thames Valley, 89.

Williams obtains Hinksey, 166.

Williams, family of, rise of, 152-162.

Williams, Henry, son of Richard, his career, 159.

Williams, Oliver, uncle of Protector, 160.

Williams, Richard,
  is given two monastic foundations by his uncle, 156;
  gets the revenues of Ramsey Abbey, 157.

Williams, Robert, grandson of Richard, father of the Protector, 160.

Wimbledon, manorial rolls of, evidence of William’s marriage in, 153.

Windsor, 65-78, 85.

Project Gutenberg
The Historic Thames from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.