The Historic Thames eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 187 pages of information about The Historic Thames.

The Historic Thames eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 187 pages of information about The Historic Thames.

Ramsey Abbey,
  given to Richard Williams, 157;
  value of, 158.

Reading, 64, 88, 103, 104, 113, 114, 129, 166, 167, 182.

Reading and Abingdon, change in ratio of population of, typical of
  nineteenth century, 198.

Religious, numbers of, at time of suppression, 122, 123.

Richard Williams or “Cromwell” born at Llanishen, 152.

Riches obtained Cholsey, 166.

Rivers, importance of,
  in English history, 1-3;
  as early highways, 5-8;
  military value of, 46, 47.

  original, of Britain, four in connection with Thames Valley, 37;
  original in Thames Valley, 38.

Rochester, Bishop of, builds Tower for the Conqueror, 83.

  place names disappeared in Thames Valley, 34;
  occupation of Britain, thoroughness of, 45, 46;
  origins of Wallingford, 60;
  work, none certain in Tower, 79;
  origins of Tower discussed, 79, 81, 82;
  origin of English manors probable, 141, 142;
  fortification, urban, 66;
  occupation of Windsor, 65;
  municipal system, 171.

Roman Britain, municipal system of, 172.

Roman roads, 68.

Rowland, Thomas, last Abbot of Abingdon, 139.

Royal manors, lapse of, 144.

  conjectured etymology of, 75;
  meeting of barons and John at, 75.

Rupert, Prince, attempts to recapture Abingdon, 87.

St. Augustine begins the civilisation of England, 91.

St. Frideswides receives new Protestant bishopric of Oxford, 106.

Saxon Chronicle, first mention of Oxford in, 54.

Saxon origin of first part of place names on Thames, 31;
  of Oxford Castle, 54;
  of English manors probable, 141, 142.

  obtains Chertsey, 165;
  obtains Radley, 165.

Sheen, monastery of, late foundation of, 108.

Sinodun Hills,
  fortification of, 48;
  geological parallel to Windsor, 66.

Sir Philip Hoby obtains Bisham, 163.

Somerford Keynes, ford at, 22.

Sonning, fate of land of, 168, 169.

Squires, English, their origins and rise before Reformation, 140-143.

Staines, 45, 68, 69, 74, 194, 196.

Stephen, Civil Wars under, Tower besieged during, 83.

Stonehouse obtains Radley, 165.

Stow, in Lincolnshire, mother house at Eynsham, 106.

Stratton, monastic lands of, sold by Oliver Williams, 161.

Streatley, 33, 34, 48.

Sweyn at Oxford, 55.

Taxes a basis for calculation of prices, 133, 134.

Tenant right under monastic system, 150.

  surface soil of valley of, 7-9;
  estuary of, unimportant in early history, 13;
  probably a boundary under Diocletian, 33;
  a boundary between counties, 34;
  points at which it is crossed, 36, 37;
  traffic upon, begins after entry of Churn at Cricklade, 39, 40;
  absence of traces of Roman bridges on, 46;
  military value of, 46, 47;
  imaginary voyage down, before Dissolution, 111-115.

Project Gutenberg
The Historic Thames from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.