William of Germany eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 447 pages of information about William of Germany.

William of Germany eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 447 pages of information about William of Germany.

Boulanger, 52, 76.

Boxer troubles, 46, 194 seq.

Brandon, 338.

“Brilliant second” speech, 279.

Brooks, Sydney, 361.

Buelow, Prince von, 47;
  succeeds Hohenlohe, 187;
  fainting fit, 322;
  resignation, 322.

Burgess, Prof., 241.

Butler, Dr. Nicholas Murray, 272.

Byzantinism, 121 seq.

Cadinen, 334.

Camarilla, 277

Caprivi, von, 141;
  treaties, 141, 152 seq.;
  chancellorship, 151.

Caroline Islands, 151.

Casablanca, 264.

Centrum, 3, 280.

Chamberlain, Mr., 158, 258.

Chamberlain, Stewart, 348.

Chancellor, “responsibility,” 289 seq.

  relations with, 193;
  Boxer indemnity, 197.

Chun, Prince, 197 seq.

Churchill, Winston, 337.

Colonial development, 148 seq.

Commercial treaties, 152; American, 331.

Conscription, 191.

Constitution, German and British compared, 57.

Corps, student, 30 seq.

Crefeld, 278.

Crown Prince, 14, 18;
  income, 112;
  marriage, 270;
  Indian tour, 328;
  at English coronation, 339;
  in aeroplane, 359.

  comparison with English, 109;
  nobility, 113.

Cowes, 75.

Daily Telegraph,
  interview, 302 seq.;
  text of, 304;
  Buelow and, 311 seq.;
  Emperor’s undertaking, 310.

Delcasse, 261, 282.

Delitzsch, Prof., 246.

Dewey, Admiral, 170.

Dictator Paragraph, 86.

Diedrich, Admiral, 170.

Dingley tariff, 331.

Disarmament, 317.

Divine Right, 331 seq.

Dreibund, see Triple Alliance.

Dreyfus case, 178.

Dual Alliance. 
  (Germany and Austria), 79;
  (Russia and France), 141.

Duel, see Mensur.

Dynasty, see Hohenzollern.

Education, Emperor on, 98 seq.

Edward VII,
  at Kiel, 253;
  visits Berlin, 323;
  funeral, 327.

Elector, Great, 64, 72.

  birth, 12;
  marriage, 37;
  brothers and sisters, 18;
  offspring, 40;
  first visit England, 20;
  at Bonn, 29;
  on Art, 207;
  and theatre, 355;
  on religion, 246;
  character, 363 seq.;
  and people, 368, 372.

  present, marriage, 37;
  character, 39.

Farmer, Emperor as, 334.

Finance reform, 321.

Fleet, English, at Kiel, 253;
  American, 244. See Navy.

Flora bust, 324 seq.

Foreign policy, in Orient, 199 seq.;
  Emperor’s, 269.

France, and Germany, 51;
  Franco-German Agreement, 1911, 266.

Project Gutenberg
William of Germany from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.