The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D. — Volume 10 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 509 pages of information about The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D. — Volume 10.

The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D. — Volume 10 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 509 pages of information about The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D. — Volume 10.
  his interview with Bolingbroke, 43, 45, 48;
  deceives his master by false representations, 166. 
Boyle, Archbishop Michael, 354. 
Boyle, Hon. Henry (Lord Carleton),
  character of, 281. 
Boyle, Robert, 338. 
Bristol, John Digby, 3rd Earl of, 27 n
Bromley, William, 121. 
Brydges, Mr. (Duke of Chandos), character of, 280. 
Buckingham, Duke of, character of, 334, 335. 
Buckinghamshire, John Duke of, character of, 273. 
Burnet, Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury, 16,
  the originator of the National Debt, 88;
  character of, 282;
  Swift’s remarks on his “History,” 325-368;
  appointed Professor of Divinity at Glasgow, 341;
  his “Lives of the Dukes of Hamilton,” 341;
  settled in Holland, 357;
  and the Earl of Portland, 364;
  his “Pastoral Letter,” 365, 366;
  his criticism of “The Conduct of the Allies,” 366;
  his opinion on the peace, 366, 367;
  his wives, 368. 
Burnet, Thomas, his life of Bishop Burnet, 368. 
Butler of Weston, Lord, character of, 281. 
Buys, Pensionary,
  Dutch envoy in London, 38, 41-43, 48, 60,74-76, 80-82, 129;
  account of, 41, 42;
  on national debts, 88;
  his unreasonable proposals, 130;
  goes to Utrecht, 136;
  his hostile attitude to England, 136-139, 144;
  his altered behaviour, 187;
  charges all delays to Heinsius, 187.

Cadogan, General, 164. 
Cardonnell, Adam, secretary to the Duke of Marlborough,
  expelled the house, 87. 
Carstairs, William, character of, 287, 345. 
Carstares, Rev. W., 117, 118 n
Cartwright, Bishop, 356. 
Chandos, Lord, character of, 280. 
Charles II., his mistresses, 339, 340, 344;
  Burnet’s character of, 353. 
Charles VI., Emperor, averse from ending the war, 42;
  his proposals, 43, 44;
  how affected by Treaty of Utrecht, 188;
  does not sign the Treaty, 190. 
Charles XII., King of Sweden, Swift’s veneration for, 195. 
Chesterfield, Earl of, character of, 279. 
Cholmondeley, Earl of, 19; character of, 280. 
Church of Rome, the, usurpations of, 207. 
Churches, suggestion for building fifty new, 20. 
Clarendon, Earl of, 16;
  Swift’s remarks on his “History of the Rebellion,” 291-323, 332;
  Burnet on his banishment, 339, 340. 
Congreve, William, Swift and, 15. 
Cowper, Lord, character of, 28, 29. 
Craggs, father of the Secretary, 40.

Crewe, Lord, Bishop of Durham, 365. 
Croissy, Chevalier de, 54. 
Cromwell, Oliver, Swift on, 314, 316, 333, 334;
  and the Countess of Dysert, 339. 
Cutts, Lord, character of, 284.

Dartmouth, Earl of, 129;
  character of, 278. 
D’Avenant, Charles, character of, 282. 
D’Avenant, Mr., agent at Frankfort, character of, 284. 
De La Warr, Lord, character of, 280. 
Denain, battle of, 52, 169. 
Derby, Earl of, character of, 276. 
De Witt, Pensionary, 338;

Project Gutenberg
The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D. — Volume 10 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.