The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D. — Volume 10 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 509 pages of information about The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D. — Volume 10.

The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D. — Volume 10 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 509 pages of information about The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D. — Volume 10.
of offering resistance, became his guides, and brought his fleet safe into Portsmouth, where he landed his men, and from thence marched to Winchester, his army hourly increasing by great numbers of people, who had either an affection for his person, an opinion of his title, or a hatred to the King.  In the mean time Henry advanced with his forces, to be near the Duke, and observe his motions; but, like a wise general, forbore offering battle to an invader, until he might do it with manifest advantage.  Besides, he knew very well that his brother was a person whose policy was much inferior to his valour, and therefore to be sooner overcome in a treaty than a fight:  to this end, the nobles on both sides began to have frequent interviews; to make overtures; and at last concert the terms of a peace; but wholly to the advantage of the King, Robert renouncing his pretensions in consideration of a small pension, and of succeeding to the crown on default of male issue in his brother.

The defection of nobles and other people to the Duke was so great, that men generally thought if it had come to a battle, the King would have lost both the victory and his crown.  But Robert, upon his return to Normandy after this dishonourable peace, grew out of all reputation with the world, as well as into perfect hatred and contempt among his own subjects, which in a short time was the cause of his ruin.

The King having thus by his prudence got rid of a dangerous and troublesome rival, and soon after by his valour quelled the insurrections of the Earls of Shrewsbury and Mortaigne, whom he forced to fly into Normandy, found himself in full peace at home and abroad, and therefore thought he might venture a contention with the Church about the right of investing bishops; upon which subject many other princes at that time had controversy with their clergy:  but, after long struggling in vain, were all forced to yield at last to the decree of a synod in Rome, and to the pertinacy of the bishops in the several countries.  The form of investing a bishop, was by delivery of a ring and a pastoral staff; which, at Rome, was declared unlawful to be performed by any lay hand whatsoever; but the princes of Christendom pleaded immemorial custom to authorize them:  and King Henry, having given the investiture to certain bishops, commanded Anselm to consecrate them.  This the archbishop refused with great firmness, pursuant to what he understood to be his duty, and to several immediate commands of the Pope.  Both sides adhering to their own sentiments, the matter was carried to Rome, where Anselm went in person, by the King’s desire; who, at the same time, sent ambassadors thither to assert and defend his cause; but the Pope still insisting, Anselm was forbidden to return to England.  The King seized on all his revenues, and would not restore him, until upon other concessions of the Pope, Henry was content to yield up his pretensions to the investiture; but, however, kept the right of electing still in his own hands.

Project Gutenberg
The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D. — Volume 10 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.