Shenandoah eBook

Bronson Howard
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 117 pages of information about Shenandoah.

Shenandoah eBook

Bronson Howard
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 117 pages of information about Shenandoah.

MADELINE.  I pray for Robert Ellingham—­and for the cause in which he risks his life! [KERCHIVAL looks at her, suddenly; also GERTRUDE.] Heaven forgive me if I am wrong, but I am praying for the enemies of my country.  His people are my people, his enemies are my enemies.  Heaven defend him and his, in this awful hour.

KERCHIVAL.  Madeline!  My sister!

MADELINE.  Oh, Kerchival! [Turning and dropping her face on his breast.] I cannot help it—­I cannot help it!

KERCHIVAL.  My poor girl!  Every woman’s heart, the world over, belongs not to any country or any flag, but to her husband—­and her lover.  Pray for the man you love, sister—­it would be treason not to. [Passes her before him to left.  Looks across to GERTRUDE.] Am I right? [GERTRUDE drops her head. MADELINE moves up veranda and out.] Is what I have said to Madeline true?

GERTRUDE.  Yes! [Looks up.] Kerchival!

KERCHIVAL.  Gertrude! [Hurries across to her, clasps her in his arms. 
He suddenly staggers and brings his hand to his breast.

GERTRUDE.  Your wound! [Supporting him as he reels and sinks into seat.

KERCHIVAL.  Wound!  I have no wound!  You do love me! [Seizing her hand.

GERTRUDE.  Let me call the Surgeon, Kerchival.

KERCHIVAL.  You can be of more service to me than he can. [Detaining her.  Very heavy sounds of the battle; she starts, listening.] Never mind that!  It’s only a battle.  You love me!

GERTRUDE.  Be quiet, Kerchival, dear.  I do love you.  I told you so, when you lay bleeding here, last night.  But you could not hear me. [At his side, resting her arm about him, stroking his head.] I said that same thing—­to—­to—­another, more than three years ago.  It is in that letter that General Buckthorn gave you. [KERCHIVAL starts.] No—­no—­you must be very quiet, or I will not say another word.  If you obey me, I will repeat that part of the letter, every word; I know it by heart, for I read it a dozen times.  The letter is from Mrs. Haverill.

KERCHIVAL. [Quietly.] Go on.

GERTRUDE.  “I have kept your secret, my darling, but I was sorely tempted to betray the confidence you reposed in me at Charleston.  If Kerchival West—­[She retires backward from him as she proceeds.]—­had heard you say, as I did, when your face was hidden in my bosom, that night, that you loved him with your whole heart—­”

KERCHIVAL.  Ah! [Starting to his feet.  He sinks back.  She springs to support him.

GERTRUDE.  I will go for help.

KERCHIVAL.  Do not leave me at such a moment as this.  You have brought me a new life. [Bringing her to her knees before him and looking down at her.] Heaven is just opening before me. [His hands drops suddenly and his head falls back.  Battle.

GERTRUDE.  Ah!  Kerchival!  You are dying! [Musketry.  A sudden sharp burst of musketry, mingled with the roar of artillery near by. KERCHIVAL starts, seizing GERTRUDE’S arm and holding her away, still on her knees.  He looks eagerly.

Project Gutenberg
Shenandoah from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.