Shenandoah eBook

Bronson Howard
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 117 pages of information about Shenandoah.

Shenandoah eBook

Bronson Howard
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 117 pages of information about Shenandoah.

MADELINE.  General Haverill is here. [The SURGEON lays the fold of the blanket over FRANK’S face and rises.

GERTRUDE.  Doctor!

MAJOR.  He is dead. [MADELINE, on veranda, turns and looks left.  The LIEUTENANT orders the guard, “Present Arms”. Enter HAVERILL, on veranda.  He salutes the guard as he passes.  The LIEUTENANT orders, “Carry Arms.”  HAVERILL comes down.

HAVERILL.  I am too late?

MAJOR.  I’m sorry, General.  His one eager thought as we came was to reach here in time to see you. [HAVERILL moves to the bier, looks down at it, then folds back the blanket from the face.  He starts slightly as he first sees it.

HAVERILL.  Brave boy!  I hoped once to have a son like you.  I shall be in your father’s place, to-day, at your grave. [He replaces the blanket and steps back.] We will carry him to his comrades in the front.  He shall have a soldier’s burial, in sight of the mountain-top beneath which he sacrificed his young life; that shall be his monument.

MAJOR.  Pardon me, General.  We Virginians are your enemies, but you cannot honour this young soldier more than we do.  Will you allow my men the privilege of carrying him to his grave? [HAVERILL inclines his head.  The SURGEON motions to the Confederate soldiers, who step to the bier and raise it gently.

HAVERILL.  Lieutenant! [The LIEUTENANT orders the guard, “Left Face.” The Confederate bearers move through the gate, preceded by LIEUTENANT HARDWICK.  HAVERILL draws his sword, reverses it, and moves up behind the bier with bowed head.  The LIEUTENANT orders “Forward March,” and the cortege disappears.  While the girls are still watching it, the heavy sound of distant artillery is heard, with booming reverberations among the hills and in the Valley.

MADELINE.  What is that sound, Gertrude?

GERTRUDE.  Listen! [Another and more prolonged distant sound, with long reverberations.

MADELINE.  Again!  Gertrude! [GERTRUDE raises her hand to command silence; listens.  Distant cannon again.

GERTRUDE.  It is the opening of a battle.

MADELINE.  Ah! [Running down stage.  The sounds again.  Prolonged rumble.

GERTRUDE.  How often have I heard that sound. [Coming down.] This is war, Madeline!  You are face to face with it now.

MADELINE.  And Robert is there!  He may be in the thickest of the danger—­at this very moment.

GERTRUDE.  Yes.  Let our prayers go up for him; mine do, with all a sister’s heart. [KERCHIVAL enters on veranda, without coat or vest, his sash about his waist, looking back as he comes in.] Kerchival!

KERCHIVAL.  Go on!  Go on!  Keep the battle to yourselves.  I’m out of it. [The distant cannon and reverberations rising in volume.  Prolonged and distant rumble.

Project Gutenberg
Shenandoah from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.