Shenandoah eBook

Bronson Howard
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 117 pages of information about Shenandoah.

Shenandoah eBook

Bronson Howard
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 117 pages of information about Shenandoah.

BARKET.  So did ould Margery.

BUCKTHORN.  March! [Angrily. BARKET salutes suddenly, and exits.] Heartsease!  That young jackanapes!  A mere fop; he’ll never make a soldier.  My girl in love with—­bah!  I don’t believe it; she’s too good a soldier, herself.

[Enter HAVERILL, on veranda.]

Ah, Haverill!

HAVERILL.  General Buckthorn!  Have you heard anything of General
Sheridan since I sent that despatch to him last evening?

BUCKTHORN.  He received it at midnight and sent back word that he considers it a ruse of the enemy.  General Wright agrees with him.  The reconnaissance yesterday showed no hostile force, on our right, and Crook reports that Early is retreating up the Valley.  But General Sheridan may, perhaps, give up his journey to Washington, and he has ordered some changes in our line, to be executed this afternoon at four o’clock.  I rode over to give you your instructions in person.  You may order General McCuen to go into camp on the right of Meadow Brook, with the second division. [HAVERILL is writing in his note-book.

Enter JENNY, on veranda.

JENNY.  Oh, papa!  I’m so glad you’ve come.  I’ve got something to say to you. [Running down and jumping into his arms, kissing him.  He turns with her, and sets her down, squarely on her feet and straight before him.

BUCKTHORN.  And I’ve got something to say to you—­about Captain

JENNY.  Oh!  That’s just what I wanted to talk about.

BUCKTHORN.  Fall in!  Front face! [She jumps into military position, turning towards him.] What’s this I hear from Sergeant Barket?  He says you’ve been falling in love.

JENNY.  I have. [Saluting.

BUCKTHORN.  Young woman!  Listen to my orders.  Fallout! [Turns sharply and marches to HAVERILL.] Order the Third Brigade of Cavalry, under Colonel Lowell, to occupy the left of the pike.

JENNY.  Papa! [Running to him and seizing the tail of his coat.]
Papa, dear!

BUCKTHORN.  Close in Colonel Powell on the extreme left—­[Slapping his coat-tails out of JENNY’S hands, without looking around.]—­and hold Custer on the second line, at Old Forge Road.  That is all at present. [Turns to JENNY.] Good-bye, my darling! [Kisses her.] Remember your orders!  You little pet! [Chuckling, as he taps her chin; draws up suddenly; turns to HAVERILL.] General!  I bid you good-day.

HAVERILL.  Good-day, General Buckthorn. [They salute with great dignity. BUCKTHORN starts up stage; JENNY springs after him, seizing his coat-tails.

JENNY.  But I want to talk with you, papa; I can’t fall out.  I—­I haven’t finished yet. [Etc., clinging to his coat, as BUCKTHORN marches out rapidly, in road,—­holding back with all her might.

Project Gutenberg
Shenandoah from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.