He wedded Gendolyne of roieal
Upon whose countenance rodde
healthe was spreade;
Bloushing, alyche[30] the
scarlette of herr wede,
She sonke to pleasaunce on
the marryage bedde.
Eftsoons her peaceful joie
of mynde was fledde; 45
Elstrid ametten with the kynge
Unnombered beauties were upon
her shedde,
Moche fyne, moche fayrer thanne
was Gendolyne;
The mornynge tynge, the rose,
the lillie floure,
In ever ronneynge race on her dyd peyncte
theyre powere. 50
The gentle suyte of Locryne
gayned her love;
Theie lyved soft momentes
to a swotie[31] age;
Eft[32] wandringe yn the coppyce,
delle, and grove,
Where ne one eyne mote theyre
disporte engage;
There dydde theie tell the
merrie lovynge sage[33], 55
Croppe the prymrosen floure
to decke theyre headde;
The feerie Gendolyne yn woman
Gemoted[34] warriours to bewrecke[35]
her bedde;
Theie rose; ynne battle was
greete Locryne sleene;
The faire Elstrida fledde from the enchased[36]
queene. 60
A tye of love, a dawter fayre
she hanne,
Whose boddeynge morneyng shewed
a fayre daie,
Her fadre Locrynne, once an
hailie manne.
Wyth the fayre dawterre dydde
she haste awaie,
To where the Western mittee[37]
pyles of claie 65
Arise ynto the cloudes, and
doe them beere;
There dyd Elstrida and Sabryna
The fyrste tryckde out a whyle
yn warryours gratch[38] and gear;
Vyncente was she ycleped,
butte fulle soone fate
Sente deathe, to telle the dame, she was
notte yn regrate[39]. 70
The queene Gendolyne sente
a gyaunte knyghte,
Whose doughtie heade swepte
the emmertleynge[40] skies,
To slea her wheresoever she
shulde be pyghte[41],
Eke everychone who shulde
her ele[42] emprize[43].
Swefte as the roareynge wyndes
the gyaunte flies, 75
Stayde the loude wyndes, and
shaded reaulmes yn nyghte,
Stepte over cytties, on meint[44]
acres lies,
Meeteynge the herehaughtes
of morneynge lighte;
Tyll mooveynge to the Weste,
myschaunce hys gye[45],
He thorowe warriours gratch fayre Elstrid
did espie. 80
He tore a ragged mountayne
from the grounde,
Harried[46] uppe noddynge
forrests to the skie,
Thanne wythe a fuirie, mote
the erthe astounde[47],
To meddle ayre he lette the
mountayne flie.
The flying wolfynnes sente
a yelleynge crie; 85
Onne Vyncente and Sabryna
felle the mount;
To lyve aeternalle dyd theie
eftsoones die;
Thorowe the sandie grave boiled
up the pourple founte,
On a broade grassie playne
was layde the hylle,
Staieynge the rounynge course of meint
a limmed[48] rylle. 90