No, we muste streve to ayde
oureselves wyth powre.
Whan Godde wylle sende us
ayde! tis fetelie[41] prayde.
Moste we those calke[42] awaie
the lyve-longe howre? 25
Thos croche[43] oure armes,
and ne toe lyve dareygne[44].
Unburled[45] undelievre[46],
Far fro mie harte be fled
thyk[48] thoughte of peyne,
Ile free mie countrie, or
Ille die yn fyghte.
Botte lette us wayte untylle
somme season fytte. 30
Mie Kentyshmen, thie Summertons
shall ryse;
Adented[49] prowess[50] to
the gite[51] of witte,
Agayne the argent[52] horse
shall daunce yn skies.
Oh Harolde, heere forstraughteynge[53]
wanhope[54] lies.
Englonde, oh Englonde, tys
for thee I blethe[55]. 35
Whylste Edwarde to thie sonnes
wylle nete alyse[56],
Shulde anie of thie sonnes
fele aughte of ethe[57]?
Upponne the trone[58] I sette
thee, helde thie crowne;
Botte oh! twere hommage nowe to pyghte[59]
thee downe.
Thou arte all preeste, & notheynge
of the kynge. 40
Thou arte all Norman, nothynge
of mie blodde.
Know, ytte beseies[60] thee
notte a masse to synge;
Servynge thie leegefolcke[61]
thou arte servynge Godde.
Thenne Ille doe heaven a servyce.
To the skyes
The dailie contekes[62] of
the londe ascende. 45
The wyddowe, fahdrelesse,
& bondemennes cries
Acheke[63] the mokie[64] aire
& heaven astende[65]
On us the rulers doe the folcke
Hancelled[66] from erthe these
Normanne[67] hyndes shalle bee;
Lyche a battently[68] low[69],
mie swerde shalle brende[70]; 50
Lyche fallynge softe rayne
droppes, I wyll hem[71] slea[72];
Wee wayte too longe; our purpose
wylle defayte[73];
Aboune[74] the hyghe empryze[75], & rouze
the champyones strayte.
Thie suster—
I knowe, she is his queene.
Albeytte[76], dyd shee speeke
her foemen[77] fayre, 55
I wulde dequace[78] her comlie
And foulde mie bloddie anlace[80]
yn her hayre.
Thye fhuir[81] blyn[82].
bydde the leathal[83] mere[84]
Upriste[85] withe hiltrene[86]
wyndes & cause unkend[87],
Beheste[88] it to be lete[89];
so twylle appeare, 60
Eere Harolde hyde hys name,
his contries frende.
The gule-steynct[90] brygandyne[91],
the adventayle[92],
The feerie anlace[92] brede[93] shal make
mie gare[94] prevayle.
Harolde, what wuldest doe?