The Rowley Poems eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 278 pages of information about The Rowley Poems.

The Rowley Poems eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 278 pages of information about The Rowley Poems.


                           Alas! ytte ys toe true. 
    Yee seynctes, hee dies awaie wythe myckle woe! 1150
    AElla! what?  AElla! oh! hee lyves agen.


Cal mee notte AElla; I am hymme ne moe. 
Where ys shee gon awaie? ah! speake! how? when?


I will.


            Caparyson a score of stedes; flie, flie. 
    Where ys shee? swythynne speeke, or instante thou shalte die. 1155


Stylle thie loud rage, & here thou whatte I knowe.


Oh! speek.


Lyche prymrose, droopynge wythe the heavie rayne,
Laste nyghte I lefte her, droopynge wythe her wiere,
Her love the gare, thatte gave her harte syke peyne—­


Her love! to whomme?


             To thee, her spouse alleyne[122]. 1160
    As ys mie hentylle everyche morne to goe,
    I wente, and oped her chamber doore ynn twayne,
    Botte found her notte, as I was wont to doe;
    Thanne alle arounde the pallace I dyd seere[123],
  Botte culde (to mie hartes woe) ne fynde her anie wheere. 1165


Thou lyest, foul hagge! thou lyest; thou art her ayde
To chere her louste;—­botte noe; ytte cannotte bee.


    Gyff trouthe appear notte inne whatte I have sayde,
    Drawe forthe thie anlace swythyn, thanne mee flea.


    Botte yette ytte muste, ytte muste bee foe; I see, 1170
    Shee wythe somme loustie paramoure ys gone;
    Itte moste bee foe—­oh! how ytte wracketh mee! 
    Mie race of love, mie race of lyfe ys ronne;
    Nowe rage, & brondeous storm, & tempeste comme;
  Nete lyvynge upon erthe can now enswote mie domme. 1175



    Loverde!  I am aboute the trouthe to saie. 
    Laste nyghte, fulle late I dydde retourne to reste. 
    As to mie chamber I dydde bende mie waie,
    To Birtha onne hys name & place addreste;
    Downe to hym camme shee; butte thereof the reste 1180
    I ken ne matter; so, mie hommage made—­


    O! speake ne moe; mie harte flames yn yttes heste;
    I once was AElla; nowe bee notte yttes shade. 
    Hanne alle the fuirie of mysfortunes wylle
  Fallen onne mie benned[124] headde I hanne been AElla stylle. 1185

Thys alleyn was unburled[125] of alle mie spryte;
Mie honnoure, honnoure, frownd on the dolce[126] wynde,
Thatte steeked on ytte; nowe wyth rage Im pyghte;
A brondeous unweere ys mie engyned mynde. 
Mie hommeur yette somme drybblet joie maie fynde, 1190
To the Danes woundes I wylle another yeve;
Whanne thos mie rennome[127] & mie peace ys rynde,
Itte were a recrandize to thyncke toe lyve;
Mie huscarles, untoe everie asker telle,
Gyffe noblie AElla lyved, as noblie AElla felle. 1195
[Stabbeth hys breste.

Project Gutenberg
The Rowley Poems from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.