The soldyerres followed wythe
a myghtie crie,
Cryes, yatte welle myghte
the stouteste hartes affraie. 795
Swefte, as yer shyppes, the
vanquyshed Dacyannes flie;
Swefte, as the rayne uponne
an Aprylle daie,
Pressynge behynde, the Englysche
soldyerres slaie.
Botte halfe the tythes of
Danyshe menne remayne;
AElla commaundes ’heie
shoulde the sleetre staie, 800
Botte bynde ’hem prysonners
on the bloddie playne.
The fyghtynge beynge done,
I came awaie,
In odher fieldes to fyghte a moe unequalle
Mie servant squyre!
Prepare a fleing horse,
Whose feete are wynges, whose
pace ys lycke the wynde, 805
Whoe wylle outestreppe the
morneynge lyghte yn course,
Leaveynge the gyttelles of
the merke behynde.
Somme hyltren matters doe
mie presence fynde.
Gyv oute to alle yatte I was
sleene ynne fyghte.
Gyff ynne thys gare thou doest
mie order mynde, 810
Whanne I returne, thou shalte
be made a knyghte;
Flie, flie, be gon; an howerre
ys a daie;
Quycke dyghte mie beste of stedes, & brynge
hymm heere—awaie!
AElla ys woundedd sore, &
ynne the toune
He waytethe, tylle hys woundes
bee broghte to ethe. 815
And shalle I from hys browes
plocke off the croune,
Makynge the vyctore yn hys
vyctorie blethe?
O no! fulle sooner schulde
mie hartes blodde smethe,
Fulle soonere woulde I tortured
bee toe deathe;
Botte—Birtha ys
the pryze; ahe! ytte were ethe
To gayne so gayne a pryze
wythe losse of breathe;
Botte thanne rennome aeterne[98]—ytte
ys botte ayre;
Bredde ynne the phantasie, & alleyn lyvynge
Albeytte everyche thynge yn
lyfe conspyre
To telle me of the faulte
I nowe schulde doe, 825
Yette woulde I battentlie
assuage mie fyre,
And the same menes, as I scall
nowe, pursue.
The qualytyes I fro mie parentes
Were blodde, & morther, masterie,
and warre;
Thie I wylle holde to now,
& hede ne moe 830
A wounde yn rennome, yanne
a boddie scarre.
Nowe, AElla, nowe Ime plantynge
of a thorne,
Bie whyche thie peace, thie love, & glorie
shalle be torne.
Gentle Egwina, do notte preche
me joie;
I cannotte joie ynne anie
thynge botte weere[99]. 835
Oh! yatte aughte schulde oure
sellynesse destroie,
Floddynge the face wythe woe,
& brynie teare!