The Rowley Poems eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 278 pages of information about The Rowley Poems.

The Rowley Poems eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 278 pages of information about The Rowley Poems.

    AElla rose lyche the tree besette wyth brieres;
    Hys talle speere sheenynge as the starres at nyghte, 745
    Hys eyne ensemeynge as a lowe of fyre;
    Whanne he encheered everie manne to fyghte,
    Hys gentle wordes dyd moove eche valourous knyghte;
    Itte moovethe ’hem, as honterres lyoncelle;
    In trebled armoure ys theyre courage dyghte; 750
    Eche warrynge harte forr prayse & rennome swelles;
    Lyche flowelie dynnynge of the croucheynge streme,
  Syche dyd the mormrynge sounde of the whol armie seme.

    Hee ledes ’hem onne to fyghte; oh! thenne to saie
    How AElla loked, and lokyng dyd encheere, 755
    Moovynge alyche a mountayne yn affraie,
    Whanne a lowde whyrlevynde doe yttes boesomme tare,
    To telle howe everie loke wulde banyshe feere,
    Woulde aske an angelles poyntelle or hys tyngue. 
    Lyche a talle rocke yatte ryseth heaven-were, 760
    Lyche a yonge wolfynne brondeous & strynge,
    Soe dydde he goe, & myghtie warriours hedde;
  Wythe gore-depycted wynges masterie arounde hym fledde.

    The battelle jyned; swerdes uponne swerdes dyd rynge;
    AElla was chased, as lyonns madded bee; 765
    Lyche fallynge starres, he dydde the javlynn flynge;
    Hys mightie anlace mightie menne dyd slea;
    Where he dydde comme, the flemed[97] foe dydde flee,
    Or felle benethe hys honde, as fallynge rayne,
    Wythe syke a fhuyrie he dydde onn ’hemm dree, 770
    Hylles of yer bowkes dyd ryse opponne the playne;
    AElla, thou arte—­botte staie, mie tynge; saie nee;
  Howe greate I hymme maye make, stylle greater hee wylle bee.

    Nor dydde hys souldyerres see hys actes yn vayne. 
    Heere a stoute Dane uponne hys compheere felle; 775
    Heere lorde & hyndlette sonke uponne the playne;
    Heere sonne & fadre trembled ynto helle. 
    Chief Magnus sought hys waie, &, shame to telle! 
    Hee soughte hys waie for flyghte; botte AElla’s speere
    Uponne the flyynge Dacyannes schoulder felle. 780
    Quyte throwe hys boddie, & hys harte ytte tare,
    He groned, & sonke uponne the gorie greene,
  And wythe hys corse encreased the pyles of Dacyannes sleene.

    Spente wythe the fyghte, the Danyshe champyons stonde,
    Lyche bulles, whose strengthe & wondrous myghte ys fledde; 785
    AElla, a javelynne grypped yn eyther honde,
    Flyes to the thronge, & doomes two Dacyannes deadde. 
    After hys acte, the armie all yspedde;
    Fromm everich on unmyssynge javlynnes flewe;
    Theie straughte yer doughtie swerdes; the foemenn bledde; 790
    Fulle three of foure of myghtie Danes dheie slewe;
    The Danes, wythe terroure rulynge att their head,
  Threwe downe theyr bannere talle, & lyche a ravenne fledde.

Project Gutenberg
The Rowley Poems from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.