I saie ne moe; youre spryte
the reste wylle saie;
Youre spryte wylle wrynne,
thatte Brystow ys yer place;
To honoures house I nede notte
marcke the waie; 655
Inne youre owne hartes you
maie the foote-pathe trace.
’Twexte shappe & us
there ys botte lyttelle space;
The tyme ys nowe to proove
yourselves bee menne;
Drawe forthe the bornyshed
bylle wythe fetyve grace,
Rouze, lyche a wolfynne rouzing
from hys denne. 660
Thus I enrone mie anlace;
goe thou shethe;
I’lle potte ytt ne ynn place, tyll
ytte ys sycke wythe deathe.
Onn, AElla, onn; we longe
for bloddie fraie;
Wee longe to here the raven
synge yn vayne;
Onn, AElla, onn; we certys
gayne the daie, 665
Whanne thou doste leade us
to the leathal playne.
Thie speche, O Loverde, fyrethe
the whole trayne;
Theie pancte for war, as honted
wolves for breathe;
Go, & sytte crowned on corses
of the slayne;
Go, & ywielde the massie swerde
of deathe. 670
From thee, O AElla, alle oure
courage reygnes;
Echone yn phantasie do lede the Danes
ynne chaynes.
Mie countrymenne, mie friendes,
your noble sprytes
Speke yn youre eyne, & doe
yer master telle.
Swefte as the rayne-storme
toe the erthe alyghtes, 675
Soe wylle we fall upon these
royners felle.
Oure mowynge swerdes shalle
plonge hem downe to helle;
Theyre throngynge corses shall
onlyghte the starres;
The barrowes brastynge wythe
the sleene schall swelle,
Brynnynge[92] to commynge
tymes our famous warres; 680
Inne everie eyne I kenne the
lowe of myghte,
Sheenynge abrode, alyche a hylle-fyre
ynne the nyghte.
Whanne poyntelles of oure
famous fyghte shall saie,
Echone wylle marvelle atte
the dernie dede,
Echone wylle wyssen hee hanne
seene the daie, 685
And bravelie holped to make
the foemenn blede;
Botte for yer holpe oure battelle
wylle notte nede;
Oure force ys force enowe
to staie theyre honde;
Wee wylle retourne unto thys
grened mede,
Oer corses of the foemen of
the londe. 690
Nowe to the warre lette all
the slughornes sounde,
The Dacyanne troopes appere on yinder
rysynge grounde.
Chiefes, heade youre bandes, and leade.
DANES flyinge, neare WATCHETTE.
Fly, fly, ye Danes; Magnus,
the chiefe, ys sleene;
The Saxonnes comme wythe AElla
atte theyre heade; 695
Lette’s strev to gette
awaie to yinder greene;
Flie, flie; thys ys the kyngdomme
of the deadde.