The Rowley Poems eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 278 pages of information about The Rowley Poems.

The Rowley Poems eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 278 pages of information about The Rowley Poems.


     Ar there meynte of them?


    Thycke as the ante-flyes ynne a sommer’s none, 560
    Seemynge as tho’ theie stynge as persante too.


    Whatte matters thatte? lettes sette oure warr-arraie. 
    Goe, sounde the beme, lette champyons prepare;
    Ne doubtynge, we wylle stynghe as faste as heie. 
    Whatte? doest forgard[83] thie blodde? ys ytte for feare? 565
    Wouldest thou gayne the towne, & castle-stere,
    And yette ne byker wythe the soldyer guarde? 
    Go, hyde thee ynn mie tente annethe the lere;
    I of thie boddie wylle keepe watche & warde.


    Oure goddes of Denmarke know mie harte ys goode. 570


    For nete uppon the erthe, botte to be choughens foode.



As from mie towre I kende the commynge foe,
I spied the crossed shielde, & bloddie swerde,
The furyous AElla’s banner; wythynne kenne
The armie ys.  Dysorder throughe oure hoaste 575
Is fleynge, borne onne wynges of AElla’s name;
Styr, styr, mie lordes!


                          What?  AElla? & soe neare? 
    Thenne Denmarques roiend; oh mie rysynge feare!


What doeste thou mene? thys AElla’s botte a manne. 
Nowe bie mie sworde, thou arte a verie berne[84]. 580
Of late I dyd thie creand valoure scanne,
Whanne thou dydst boaste soe moche of actyon derne. 
Botte I toe warr mie doeynges moste atturne,
To cheere the Sabbataneres to deere dede.


    I to the knyghtes onne everyche syde wylle burne, 585
    Telleynge ’hem alle to make her foemen blede;
    Sythe shame or deathe onne eidher syde wylle bee,
  Mie harte I wylle upryse, & inne the battelle slea.



    Now havynge done oure mattynes & oure vowes,
    Lette us for the intended fyghte be boune, 590
    And everyche champyone potte the joyous crowne
  Of certane mastershhyppe upon hys glestreynge browes.

    As for mie harte, I owne ytt ys, as ere
    Itte has beene ynne the sommer-sheene of fate,
    Unknowen to the ugsomme gratche of fere; 595
    Mie blodde embollen, wythe masterie elate,
    Boyles ynne mie veynes, & rolles ynn rapyd state,
    Impatyente forr to mete the persante stele,
    And telle the worlde, thatte AElla dyed as greate
    As anie knyghte who foughte for Englondes weale. 600
    Friends, kynne, & soldyerres, ynne blacke armore drere,
  Mie actyons ymytate, mie presente redynge here.

Project Gutenberg
The Rowley Poems from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.