The Rowley Poems eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 278 pages of information about The Rowley Poems.

The Rowley Poems eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 278 pages of information about The Rowley Poems.


    Eternalle plagues devour thie baned tyngue! 
    Myrriades of neders pre upponne thie spryte! 
    Maiest thou fele al the peynes of age whylst yynge, 515
    Unmanned, uneyned, exclooded aie the lyghte,
    Thie senses, lyche thieselfe, enwrapped yn nyghte,
    A scoff to foemen & to beastes a pheere;
    Maie furched levynne onne thie head alyghte,
    Maie on thee falle the fhuyr of the unweere; 520
    Fen vaipoures blaste thie everiche manlie powere,
  Maie thie bante boddie quycke the wolfome peenes devoure.

    Faygne woulde I curse thee further, botte mie tyngue
    Denies mie harte the favoure soe toe doe.


    Nowe bie the Dacyanne goddes, & Welkyns kynge, 525
    Wythe fhurie, as thou dydste begynne, persue;
    Calle on mie heade all tortures that bee rou,
    Bane onne, tylle thie owne tongue thie curses fele. 
    Sende onne mie heade the blyghteynge levynne blewe,
    The thonder loude, the swellynge azure rele[80]. 530
    Thie wordes be hie of dynne, botte nete besyde;
  Bane on, good chieftayn, fyghte wythe wordes of myckle pryde.

    Botte doe notte waste thie breath, lest AElla come.


    AElla & thee togyder synke toe helle! 
    Bee youre names blasted from the rolle of dome! 535
    I feere noe AElla, thatte thou kennest welle. 
    Unlydgefulle traytoure, wylt thou nowe rebelle? 
    ’Tys knowen, thatte yie menn bee lyncked to myne,
    Bothe sente, as troopes of wolves, to sletre felle;
    Botte nowe thou lackest hem to be all yyne. 540
    Nowe, bie the goddes yatte reule the Dacyanne state,
  Speacke thou yn rage once moe, I wyll thee dysregate.


    I pryze thie threattes joste as I doe thie banes,
    The sede of malyce and recendize al. 
    Thou arte a steyne unto the name of Danes; 545
    Thou alleyne to thie tyngue for proofe canst calle. 
    Thou beest a worme so groffile and so smal,
    I wythe thie bloude woulde scorne to foul mie sworde,
    Botte wythe thie weaponnes woulde upon thee falle,
    Alyche thie owne feare, slea thee wythe a worde. 550
    I Hurra amme miesel, & aie wylle bee,
  As greate yn valourous actes, & yn commande as thee.



    Blynne your contekions[81], chiefs; for, as I stode
    Uponne mie watche, I spiede an armie commynge,
    Notte lyche ann handfulle of a fremded[82] foe, 555
    Botte blacke wythe armoure, movynge ugsomlie,
    Lyche a blacke fulle cloude, thatte dothe goe alonge
    To droppe yn hayle, & hele the thonder storme.

Project Gutenberg
The Rowley Poems from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.