Thie wordes are greate, full
hyghe of sound, and eeke
Lyche thonderre, to the whych
dothe comme no rayne.
Itte lacketh notte a doughtie
honde to speke; 465
The cocke saiethe drefte[75],
yett armed ys he alleyne.
Certis thie wordes maie, thou
motest have sayne
Of mee, and meynte of moe,
who eke canne fyghte,
Who haveth trodden downe the
And tore the heaulmes from
heades of myckle myghte. 470
Sythence syke myghte ys placed
yn thie honde,
Lette blowes thie actyons speeke, and
bie thie corrage stonde.
Thou are a warrioure, Hurra,
thatte I kenne,
And myckle famed for thie
handie dede.
Thou fyghtest anente[76] maydens
and ne menne, 475
Nor aie thou makest armed
hartes to blede.
Efte I, caparyson’d
on bloddie stede,
Havethe thee seene binethe
mee ynn the fyghte,
Wythe corses I investynge
everich mede,
And thou aston, and wondrynge
at mie myghte. 480
Thanne wouldest thou comme
yn for mie renome,
Albeytte thou wouldst reyne awaie from
bloddie dome?
How! butte bee bourne mie
rage. I kenne aryghte
Bothe thee and thyne maie
ne bee wordhye peene.
Eftsoones I hope wee scalle
engage yn fyghte; 485
Thanne to the souldyers all
thou wylte bewreene.
I’ll prove mie courage
onne the burled greene;
Tys there alleyne I’ll
telle thee whatte I bee.
Gyf I weelde notte the deadlie
sphere adeene,
Thanne lett mie name be fulle
as lowe as thee. 490
Thys mie adented shielde,
thys mie warre-speare,
Schalle telle the falleynge foe gyf Hurra’s
harte can feare.
Magnus woulde speke, butte
thatte hys noble spryte
Dothe soe enrage, he knowes
notte whatte to saie.
He’dde speke yn blowes,
yn gottes of blodde he’d wryte,
And on thie heafod peyncte
hys myghte for aie.
Gyf thou anent an wolfynnes
rage wouldest staie,
’Tys here to meet ytt;
botte gyff nott, bee goe;
Lest I in furrie shulde mie
armes dysplaie,
Whyche to thie boddie wylle
wurche[77] myckle woe. 500
Oh! I bee madde, dystraughte
wyth brendyng rage;
Ne seas of smethynge gore wylle mie chafed
harte asswage.
I kenne thee, Magnus, welle;
a wyghte thou art
That doest aslee alonge ynn
doled dystresse,
Strynge bulle yn boddie, lyoncelle
yn harte, 505
I almost wysche thie prowes
were made lesse.
Whan AElla (name drest uppe
yn ugsomness[78]
To thee and recreandes[79])
thondered on the playne,
Howe dydste thou thorowe fyrste
of fleers presse!
Swefter thanne federed takelle
dydste thou reyne. 510
A ronnynge pryze onn seyncte
daie to ordayne,
Magnus, and none botte hee, the ronnynge
pryze wylle gayne.