Rouze all thie love; false
and entrykyng wyghte!
Ne leave thie Birtha thos uponne pretence
of fyghte.
Thou nedest notte goe, untyll
thou haste command
Under the sygnette of oure
lorde the kynge.
And wouldest thou make me
then a recreande? 330
Hollie Seyncte Marie, keepe
mee from the thynge!
Heere, Birtha, thou hast potte
a double stynge,
One for thie love, anodher
for thie mynde.
Agylted[56] AElla, thie abredynge[57]
Twas love of thee thatte foule
intente ywrynde. 335
Yette heare mie supplycate,
to mee attende,
Hear from mie groted[59] harte the lover
and the friende.
Lett Celmonde yn thie armour-brace
be dyghte;
And yn thie stead unto the
battle goe;
Thie name alleyne wylle putte
the Danes to flyghte, 340
The ayre thatt beares ytt
woulde presse downe the foe.
Birtha, yn vayne thou wouldste
mee recreand doe;
I moste, I wylle, fyghte for
mie countries wele,
And leave thee for ytt.
Celmonde, sweftlie goe,
Telle mie Brystowans to bedyghte
yn stele; 345
Tell hem I scorne to kenne
hem from afar,
Botte leave the vyrgyn brydall bedde for
bedde of warre.
And thou wylt goe; O mie agroted harte!
Mie countrie waites mie marche;
I muste awaie;
Albeytte I schulde goe to
mete the darte 350
Of certen Dethe, yette here
I woulde notte staie.
Botte thos to leave thee,
Birtha, dothe asswaie
Moe torturynge peynes yanne
canne be sedde bie tyngue,
Yette rouze thie honoure uppe,
and wayte the daie,
Whan rounde aboute mee songe
of warre heie synge. 355
O Birtha, strev mie agreeme[60]
to accaie[61],
And joyous see mie armes, dyghte oute
ynn warre arraie.
Difficile[62] ys the pennaunce,
yette I’lle strev
To keepe mie woe behyltren
yn mie breaste.
Albeytte nete maye to mee
pleasaunce yev, 360
Lyche thee, I’lle strev
to sette mie mynde atte reste.
Yett oh! forgeve, yff I have
thee dystreste;
Love, doughtie love, wylle
beare no odher swaie.
Juste as I was wythe AElla
to be bleste,
Shappe foullie thos hathe
snatched hym awaie. 365
It was a tene too doughtie
to bee borne,
Wydhoute an ounde of teares and breaste
wyth syghes ytorne.