The Rowley Poems eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 278 pages of information about The Rowley Poems.

The Rowley Poems eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 278 pages of information about The Rowley Poems.


    Ah! nowe thou pottest takells[54] yn mie harte;
    Mie soulghe dothe nowe begynne to see herselle;
    I wylle upryse mie myghte, and doe mie parte, 280
    To flea the foemenne yn mie furie felle. 
    Botte howe canne tynge mie rampynge fourie telle. 
    Whyche ryseth from mie love to Birtha fayre? 
    Ne coulde the queede, and alle the myghte of Helle,
    Founde out impleasaunce of syke blacke a geare. 285
    Yette I wylle bee mieselfe, and rouze mie spryte
  To acte wythe rennome, and goe meet the bloddie fyghte.


    No, thou schalte never leave thie Birtha’s syde;
    Ne schall the wynde uponne us blowe alleyne;
    I, lyche a nedre, wylle untoe thee byde; 290
    Tyde lyfe, tyde deathe, ytte shall behoulde us twayne. 
    I have mie parte of drierie dole and peyne;
    Itte brasteth from mee atte the holtred eyne;
    Ynne tydes of teares mie swarthynge spryte wyll drayne,
    Gyff drerie dole ys thyne, tys twa tymes myne. 295
    Goe notte, AElla; wythe thie Birtha staie;
  For wyth thie femmlykeed mie spryte wyll goe awaie.


    O! tys for thee, for thee alleyne I fele;
    Yett I muste bee mieselfe; with valoures gear
    I’lle dyghte mie hearte, and notte mie lymbes yn stele, 300
    And shake the bloddie swerde and steyned spere.


    Can AElla from hys breaste hys Birtha teare? 
    Is shee so rou and ugsomme[55] to hys fyghte? 
    Entrykeynge wyght! ys leathall warre so deare? 
    Thou pryzest mee belowe the joies of fyghte. 305
    Thou scalte notte leave mee, albeytte the erthe
  Hong pendaunte bie thie swerde, and craved for thy morthe.


    Dyddest thou kenne howe mie woes, as starres ybrente,
    Headed bie these thie wordes doe onn mee falle,
    Thou woulde stryve to gyve mie harte contente, 310
    Wakyng mie slepynge mynde to honnoures calle. 
    Of selynesse I pryze thee moe yan all
    Heaven can mee sende, or counynge wytt acquyre,
    Yette I wylle leave thee, onne the foe to falle,
    Retournynge to thie eyne with double fyre. 315


    Moste Birtha boon requeste and bee denyd? 
  Receyve attenes a darte yn selynesse and pryde? 
    Doe staie, att leaste tylle morrowes sonne apperes.


    Thou kenneste welle the Dacyannes myttee powere;
    Wythe them a mynnute wurchethe bane for yeares; 320
    Theie undoe reaulmes wythyn a syngle hower. 
    Rouze all thie honnoure, Birtha; look attoure
    Thie bledeynge countrie, whych for hastie dede
    Calls, for the rodeynge of some doughtie power,
    To royn yttes royners, make yttes foemenne blede. 325

Project Gutenberg
The Rowley Poems from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.