The Rowley Poems eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 278 pages of information about The Rowley Poems.

The Rowley Poems eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 278 pages of information about The Rowley Poems.

    Bie oure ladie her yborne, 135
    To-morrowe, soone as ytte ys daie,
    I’lle make thee wyfe, ne bee forsworne,
    So tyde me lyfe or dethe for aie.


    Whatt dothe lette, botte thatte nowe
    Wee attenes[38], thos honde yn honde, 140
    Unto divinistre[39] goe,
    And bee lyncked yn wedlocke bonde?


    I agree, and thus I plyghte
    Honde, and harte, and all that’s myne;
    Goode syr Rogerr, do us ryghte, 145
    Make us one, at Cothbertes shryne.


    We wylle ynn a bordelle[40] lyve,
    Hailie, thoughe of no estate;
    Everyche clocke moe love shall gyve;
    Wee ynne godenesse wylle bee greate. 150


    I lyche thys songe, I lyche ytt myckle well;
    And there ys monie for yer syngeynge nowe;
    Butte have you noone thatt marriage-blessynges telle?


    In marriage, blessynges are botte fewe, I trowe.


    Laverde[41], wee have; and, gyff you please, wille synge, 155
    As well as owre choughe-voyces wylle permytte.


Comme then, and see you swotelie tune the strynge,
And stret[42], and engyne all the human wytte,
Toe please mie dame.


We’lle strayne owre wytte and synge.

Mynstrelles Songe.


The boddynge flourettes bloshes atte the lyghte; 160
The mees be sprenged wyth the yellowe hue;
Ynn daiseyd mantels ys the mountayne dyghte;
The nesh[43] yonge coweslepe bendethe wyth the dewe;
The trees enlefed, yntoe Heavenne straughte. 
Whenn gentle wyndes doe blowe, to whestlyng dynne ys broughte. 165

    The evenynge commes, and brynges the dewe alonge;
    The roddie welkynne sheeneth to the eyne;
    Arounde the alestake Mynstrells synge the songe;
    Yonge ivie rounde the doore poste do entwyne;
    I laie mee onn the grasse; yette, to mie wylle, 170
  Albeytte alle ys fayre, there lackethe somethynge stylle.


    So Adam thoughtenne, whann, ynn Paradyse,
    All Heavenn and Erthe dyd hommage to hys mynde;
    Ynn Womman alleyne mannes pleasaunce lyes;
    As Instrumentes of joie were made the kynde. 175
    Go, take a wyfe untoe thie armes, and see
  Wynter, and brownie hylles, wyll have a charme for thee.


    Whanne Autumpne blake[44] and sonne-brente doe appere,
    With hys goulde honde guylteynge the falleynge lefe,
    Bryngeynge oppe Wynterr to folfylle the yere, 180
    Beerynge uponne hys backe the riped shefe;
    Whan al the hyls wythe woddie sede ys whyte;
  Whanne levynne-fyres and lemes do mete from far the syghte;

Project Gutenberg
The Rowley Poems from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.