The Rowley Poems eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 278 pages of information about The Rowley Poems.

The Rowley Poems eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 278 pages of information about The Rowley Poems.

[Footnote 7:  ornamented, enameled.]

[Footnote 8:  a young lion.]

[Footnote 9:  drawings, paintings.]

[Footnote 10:  that.]

[Footnote 11:  soul.]

[Footnote 11:  dispenser.]

[Footnote 12:  quickly.]

[Footnote 13:  give.]

[Footnote 14:  armer.]

[Footnote 15:  burnish.]

[Footnote 16:  many.]

[Footnote 17:  young, weak, tender.]

[Footnote 18:  grows.]

[Footnote 19:  body.]

[Footnote 20:  nothing.]

[Footnote 21:  alone.]

[Footnote 22:  so.]

[Footnote 23:  herald.]

[Footnote 24:  a contraction of them.]

[Footnote 25:  Guie de Sancto Egidio, the most famous tilter of his age.]

[Footnote 26:  William Rufus.]

[Footnote 27:  run.]

[Footnote 28:  against.]

[Footnote 29:  feeble.]

[Footnote 30:  honour, glory.]

[Footnote 31:  useless.]

[Footnote 32:  a kind of claryon.]

[Footnote 33:  sound.]

[Footnote 34:  quickly.]

[Footnote 35:  ready.]

[Footnote 36:  soon.]

[Footnote 37:  command.]

[Footnote 38:  most.]

[Footnote 39:  fate, or doom.]

[Footnote 40:  against.]

[Footnote 41:  pitched, or bent down.]

[Footnote 42:  drink.]

[Footnote 43:  servants, attendants.]

[Footnote 44:  song, or ballad.]

[Footnote 45:  activity.]

[Footnote 46:  joined (1842; left blank in 1777 and 1778)]

[Footnote 46:  bent.]

[Footnote 47:  burnished.]

[Footnote 48:  commanding.]

[Footnote 49:  servants.]

[Footnote 50:  hidden.]

[Footnote 51:  arrows.]

[Footnote 52:  worked with iron.]

[Footnote 53:  bends.]

[Footnote 54:  sounds.]

[Footnote 55:  loudly.]

[Footnote 56:  dark, or gloome.]

[Footnote 57 & 58:  frighted owl.]

[Footnote 59:  marked with evening dew.]

[Footnote 60:  standing on their hind legs.]

[Footnote 61:  venemous.]

[Footnote 62:  adders.]

[Footnote 63:  hot, sultry.]

[Footnote 64:  sound, noise.]

[Footnote 65:  distracted.]

[Footnote 66:  arrows.]

[Footnote 67:  walking leisurely.]

[Footnote 68:  rolling.]

[Footnote 69:  arrow.]

[Footnote 70:  horse coursers.]

[Footnote 71:  full soon.]

[Footnote 72:  across his shoulders.]

[Footnote 73:  garlands of flowers being put round the neck of the game, it was said to be ouch’d, from ouch, a chain, worn by earls round their necks.]

[Footnote 74:  Turnament.]

[Footnote 75:  fight, or encounter.]

Project Gutenberg
The Rowley Poems from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.