Bourtonne hys seconde beereth
to the feelde.
Comme onn, yee knyghtes, and wynn the
honnour’d sheeld.
I take the challenge; squyre,
mie launce and stede. 105
I, Bourtonne, take the gauntlette;
forr mee staie.
Botte, gyff thou fyghteste
mee, thou shalt have mede[93];
Somme odherr I wylle champyonn
toe affraie[94];
Perchaunce fromme hemm I maie
possess the daie,
Thenn I schalle bee a foemanne
forr thie spere. 110
Herehawde, toe the bankes
of Knyghtys saie,
De Berghamme wayteth forr
a foemann heere.
Botte longe thou schalte ne tend[95];
I doe thee fie[96].
Lyche forreying[97] levynn[98], schalle mie tylte-launce
[Berghamme & Clinton tylte. Clinton
Nowe, nowe, Syrr Knyghte, attoure[99] thie beeveredd[100] eyne.
I have borne downe, and este[101] doe gauntlette thee.
Swythenne[102] begynne, and wrynn[103] thie shappe[104] orr myne;
Gyff thou dyscomfytte, ytt wylle dobblie bee.
[Bourtonne & Burghamm tylteth. Berghamme falls.
Symonne de Bourtonne haveth
borne downe three,
And bie the thyrd hathe honnoure
of a fourthe. 120
Lett hymm bee sett asyde,
tylle hee doth see
A tyltynge forr a knyghte
of gentle wourthe.
Heere commethe straunge knyghtes;
gyff corteous[105] heie[106],
Ytt welle beseies[107] to
yeve[108] hemm ryghte of fraie[109].
Straungerrs wee bee, and homblie doe wee clayme 125
The rennome[110] ynn thys Tourneie[111] forr to tylte;
Dherbie to proove fromm cravents[112] owre goode name,
Bewrynnynge[113] thatt wee gentile blodde have spylte.
Yee knyghtes of cortesie, these
straungerrs, saie,
Bee you fulle wyllynge forr to yeve hemm fraie?
[Fyve Knyghtes tylteth wythe the straunge
Knyghte, and bee
everichone[114] overthrowne.
Nowe bie Seyncte Marie, gyff onn all the fielde
Ycrasedd[115] speres and helmetts bee besprente[116],
Gyff everyche knyghte dydd houlde a piercedd[117] sheeld,
Gyff all the feelde wythe champyonne blodde bee stente[118],
Yett toe encounterr hymm I bee contente. 135
Annodherr launce, Marshalle, anodherr launce.
Albeytte hee wythe lowes[119] of fyre ybrente[120],
Yett Bourtonne woulde agenste hys val[121] advance.
Fyve haveth fallenn downe anethe[122] hys speere,
Botte hee schalle bee the next thatt falleth heere. 140