The lyoncel, fromme sweltrie[63]
countries braughte,
Coucheynge binethe the sheltre
of the brierr,
Att commyng dynn[64] doth
rayse hymselfe distraughte[65],
He loketh wythe an eie of
flames of fyre.
Goe, sticke the lyonn to hys
hyltren denne. 65
Lette thie floes[66] drenche the blood
of anie thynge botte menn.
Wythe passent[67] steppe the
lyonn mov’th alonge;
Wyllyamm hys ironne-woven
bowe hee bendes,
Wythe myghte alyche the roghlynge[68]
thonderr stronge;
The lyonn ynn a roare hys
spryte foorthe sendes. 70
Goe, slea the lyonn ynn hys
blodde-steyn’d denne,
Botte bee thie takelle[69] drie fromm
blodde of odherr menne.
Swefte fromm the thyckett
starks the stagge awaie;
The couraciers[70] as swefte
doe afterr flie.
Hee lepethe hie, hee stondes,
hee kepes att baie, 75
Botte metes the arrowe, and
eftsoones[71] doth die.
Forslagenn atte thie fote
lette wylde beastes bee,
Lett thie floes drenche yer blodde, yett
do ne bredrenn slee.
Wythe murtherr tyredd, hee
sleynges hys bowe alyne[72].
The stagge ys ouch’d[73]
wythe crownes of lillie flowerrs. 80
Arounde theire heaulmes theie
greene verte doe entwyne;
Joying and rev’lous
ynn the grene wode bowerrs.
Forslagenn wyth thie floe
lette wylde beastes bee,
Feeste thee upponne theire fleshe, doe
ne thie bredrenn flee.
Nowe to the Tourneie[74]; who wylle fyrste affraie[75]? 85
Nevylle, a baronne, bee yatte[76] honnoure thyne.
I clayme the passage.
I contake[77] thie waie.
Thenn there’s mie gauntlette[78] onn mie gaberdyne[79].
A leegefull[80] challenge, knyghtes
& champyonns dygne[81],
A leegefull challenge, lette the flugghorne sounde.
[Syrr Symonne and
Nevylle tylte.
Nevylle ys goeynge, manne and horse, toe grounde.
Loverdes, how doughtilie[82] the tylterrs joyne!
Yee champyonnes, heere Symonne de Bourtonne fyghtes,
Onne hee hathe quacedd[83], assayle[84] hymm, yee
I wylle anente[85] hymm goe; mie squierr, mie shielde; 95
Orr onne orr odherr wyll doe myckle[86] scethe[87]
Before I doe departe the lissedd[88] fielde,
Mieselfe orr Bourtonne hereupponn wyll blethe[89].
Mie shielde.
Comme onne, &
fitte thie tylte-launce ethe[90].
Whanne Bourtonn fyghtes, hee
metes a doughtie foe. 100
tylte. Ferraris falleth.
Hee falleth; nowe bie heavenne
thie woundes doe smethe[91];
I feere mee, I have wroughte
thee myckle woe[92].