The Rowley Poems eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 278 pages of information about The Rowley Poems.

The Rowley Poems eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 278 pages of information about The Rowley Poems.

    Orr fierye round the mynsterr glare;
    Lette Brystowe stylle be made thie care;
  Guarde ytt fromme foemenne & consumynge fyre;
    Lyche Avones streme ensyrke ytte rounde,
    Ne lette a flame enharme the grounde, 35
  Tylle ynne one flame all the whole worlde expyre.

The underwritten Lines were composed by JOHN LADGATE, a Priest in
London, and sent to ROWLIE, as an Answer to the preceding Songe of

  Havynge wythe mouche attentyonn redde
    Whatt you dydd to mee sende,
  Admyre the varses mouche I dydd,
    And thus an answerr lende.

  Amongs the Greeces Homer was 5
    A Poett mouche renownde,
  Amongs the Latyns Vyrgilius
    Was beste of Poets founde.

  The Brytish Merlyn oftenne hanne
    The gyfte of inspyration, 10
  And Afled to the Sexonne menne
    Dydd synge wythe elocation.

  Ynne Norman tymes, Turgotus and
    Goode Chaucer dydd excelle,
  Thenn Stowe, the Bryghtstowe Carmelyte, 15
    Dydd bare awaie the belle.

  Nowe Rowlie ynne these mokie dayes
    Lendes owte hys sheenynge lyghtes,
  And Turgotus and Chaucer lyves
    Ynne ev’ry lyne he wrytes. 20




    The Tournament begynnes; the hammerrs sounde;
    The courserrs lysse[1] about the mensuredd[2] fielde;
    The shemrynge armoure throws the sheene arounde;
    Quayntyssed[3] fons[4] depictedd[5] onn eche sheelde. 
    The feerie[6] heaulmets, wythe the wreathes amielde[7], 5
    Supportes the rampynge lyoncell[8] orr beare,
    Wythe straunge depyctures[9], Nature maie nott yeelde,
    Unseemelie to all orderr doe appere,
    Yett yatte[10] to menne, who thyncke and have a spryte[11],
    Makes knowen thatt the phantasies unryghte. 10

    I, Sonne of Honnoure, spencer[11] of her joies,
    Muste swythen[12] goe to yeve[13] the speeres arounde,
    Wythe advantayle[14] & borne[15] I meynte[16] emploie,
    Who withoute mee woulde fall untoe the grounde. 
    Soe the tall oake the ivie twysteth rounde; 15
    Soe the neshe[17] flowerr grees[18] ynne the woodeland shade. 
    The worlde bie diffraunce ys ynne orderr founde;
    Wydhoute unlikenesse nothynge could bee made. 
    As ynn the bowke[19] nete[20] alleyn[21] cann bee donne,
  Syke[22] ynn the weal of kynde all thynges are partes of onne. 20


Project Gutenberg
The Rowley Poems from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.