Mitches, El. 20. Ruins. C.
Mittee, E. II. 28. Mighty. C.
Mockler, p. 283. 105. More.
Moke, Ep. 5. Much. C.
Mokie, El. 29. Black. C.
[Mokynge, H. 2. 584. K. and B. have moky (O.), cloudy; so perhaps C. meant a brook the surface of which reflected the clouds. Sk. reads mocking.]
Mole, Ch. 4. Soft. C.
Mollock, G. 90. Wet, moist. C.
Morglaien. M. 20. The name of a sword
[Morglay] in some old
Morthe, AE 307. [Violent death. K. has morth, murder.]
Morthynge, El. 4. Murdering. C.
Mote, E. I. 22. Might. C.
Motte, H. 2. 184. Word, or motto.
Myckle, Le. 16. Much. C.
Myndbruch, AE. 401. [A hurting of honour and worship (B.).]
Mynster, G. 75. Monastery. C.
Mysterk, M. 33. Mystic. C.
[Nappy, Ba. 13. B. has nappy-ale, [q. d. such as will cause persons to take a nap] pleasant and strong. But the word nappy in this connexion has nothing to do with causing sleep.]
Ne, P.G. 6. Not. C.
Ne, p. 281. 58. Nigh.
Nedere, Ep. II. Adder. C.
Neete, p. 280. 41. Night.
Nesh, T. 16. Weak, tender. C.
Nete, AE. 399. Night.
Nete, T. 19. Nothing. C.
Nilling, Le. 16. Unwilling. C.
Nome-depeinted, E. II. 17. Rebus’d shields; a herald term, when the charge of the shield implies the name of the bearer. C.
Notte-browne, p. 280. 49. Nitt-brown.
Obaie, E. I. 41. Abide. C.
Offrendes, AE. 51. Presents, offerings. C.
Olyphauntes, H. 2. 609. Elephants.
Onknowlachynge, E. II. 26 Not knowing. C. Onlight, AE. 678. [Put out, extinguish.]
Onlist, Le. 46. Boundless. C.
[Ore, H. 2. 25. Contracted for other.]
Orrests, G. 100. Oversets. C.
Ouchd, T. 80. See C.’s note.
Ouphante, AE. 888. 929. Ouphen, Elves.
Ourt, H. 2. 578. [Contraction for B.’s overt.]
Ouzle, AE. 104. Black-bird. C.
Owndes, G. 91. Waves. C.
Pall, Ch. 31. Contraction from appall, to fright. C.
Paramente, AE. 52. Robes of scarlet. C.—M. 36. A princely robe. C.
[Passante, El. 28. Passing, going by. (K.)]
Paves, Pavyes, AE. 433. Shields.
Peede, Ch. 5. Pied. C.