Eyne-gears, p. 279. 13. [Sk. considers this a compound of eyne, eyes and gear, tackle and renders objects.]
Fage, Ep. 30. Tale, jest. C.
Faifully, T. 147. Faithfully. C.
Faitour, Ch. 66. A beggar, or vagabond. C.
Faldstole, AE. 61. A folding stool, or seat. See Du Cange in v. Faldistorium.
[Fay, H. 2. 144. Faith.]
[Faytour, p. 280. 37. as Faitour.]
Fayre, AE. 1204. 1224. Clear, innocent.
Feere, AE. 965. Fire.
Feerie, E. II. 45. Flaming. C.
Fele, T. 27. Feeble. C. [A Rowleian contraction, cf. gorne for garden.]
Fellen, E. I. 10. Fell pa. t. sing. q?
Fetelie, G. 24. Nobly. C.
Fetive, Ent. 7. as Festive.
Fetivelie, Le. 42. Elegantly. C.
Fetiveness, AE. 400. as Festiveness.
Feygnes, E. III. 78. A corruption of feints. C.
Fhuir, G. 58. Fury. C.
Fie, T. 113. Defy. C.
Flaiten, H. I. 84. [Frightful, from B.’s flaite, to affright, to scare.]
Flanched, H. 2. 242. [Arched, from K.’s flanch, in heraldry, an ordinary made of an arch-line.]
Flemed, T. 56. Frighted. C.
Flemie, p. 278. ult. [Daunted, from B.’s flemed.]
Flizze, G. 197. Fly. C.
Floe, H. 2. 54. Arrow.
Flott, Ch. 33. Fly. C.
[Flotting, H. 2. 42. _? Flying_, cf. flott; or Whistling, from B.’s floting (O.), whistling, piping.]
Foile, E. III. 78. Baffle. C.
Fons, Fonnes, E. II. 14. Devices. C.
Forgard, AE. 565. Lose. C.
Forletten, El. 19. Forsaken. C.
Forloyne, AE. 722. Retreat. C.
Forreying, T. 114. Destroying. C.
Forslagen, AE. 1076. Slain. C.
Forslege, AE. 1106. Slay. C.
Forstraughte, p. 281. 58. Distracted.
Forstraughteyng, G. 34. Distracting. C.
Forswat, Ch. 30. Sun-burnt. C.
Forweltring, AE. 618. Blasting. C.
Forwyned, E. III. 36. Dried. C.
Fremde, AE. 430. Strange. C.
Fremded, AE. 555. Frighted. C.
Freme, AE. 267. [and Fremed, H. 2. 147. Strange,
from K.’s fremd
(O.), strange.]
Fructile, AE. 185. Fruitful.
[Furched, AE. 519. Forked.]
Gaberdine, T. 88. A piece of armour. C.
Gallard, Ch. 39. Frighted. C.