Three Expeditions into the Interior of Eastern Australia, Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 490 pages of information about Three Expeditions into the Interior of Eastern Australia, Volume 2.

Three Expeditions into the Interior of Eastern Australia, Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 490 pages of information about Three Expeditions into the Interior of Eastern Australia, Volume 2.

This was the army with which I was to traverse unexplored regions peopled, as far as we knew, by hostile tribes.  But I could depend upon a great portion of the men, and amongst them were some who had been with me on the two former expeditions and who, although they had obtained their emancipation as the well merited reward of their past services in the interior, were nevertheless willing to accompany me once more.  I accepted their services on obtaining a promise from the governor that if the expedition was successful their conditional pardons might be converted into absolute pardons, a boon on which even some wealthy men in the colony would probably have set a high value.

One of the most devoted of these followers was William Woods who, having long toiled carrying my theodolite to the summits of the highest mountains, was at length more comfortably situated than he had ever been in his life before as overseer of a road party.  This poor fellow relinquished his place of authority over other men and in which he received 1 shilling per diem, again put on the grey jacket, and set a valuable example as the most willing of my followers, wherever drudgery or difficulty were most discouraging.


Our cattle were lean but I took a greater number in consequence.  The pasturage was still meagre and scarcely any water remained on the face of the earth.  It was unusually low in the holes last year, but this season very few indeed contained any.  The equinox however was at hand, and I could not suppose that it was never to rain again, however hopeless the aspect of the country appeared at that time.

Agreement with A native guide.

In this camp of preparation I was visited by our old friends the natives; and one who called himself John Piper and spoke English tolerably well agreed to accompany me as far as I should go, provided he was allowed a horse and was clothed, fed, etc.; all which I immediately agreed to.  I had not however forgotten Mr. Brown, and I reminded Burnett of that native’s desertion; but Burnett, who seemed to be on excellent terms with Piper, assured me that after he should be some weeks’ journey in the interior dread of the savage natives would prevent him from leaving our party, and so it turned out.

But in breaking on our stock of provisions, we commenced with due regard to their importance on an interior journey by so reducing the weight of our steel-yard that a five months’ stock should last nearly seven months.  This arrangement was however a secret known only to Burnett and myself.

The plan of encampment was to be the same as on the former journey, only that a greater number of carts stood in the line parallel to the boat-carriage.

March 17.

Project Gutenberg
Three Expeditions into the Interior of Eastern Australia, Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.