The Book of Noodles eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 194 pages of information about The Book of Noodles.

The Book of Noodles eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 194 pages of information about The Book of Noodles.

Khoja Nasr-ed-Din, 89.

King’s Stupid Son, The, 167.

Knite, ‘The Gothamites’, 53.

Knowles, J.H., 66, 113.

Laird of Logan, 13.

Leger’s Contes Populaires Slaves, 128, 154.

Marie de France, 46.

Mery Tales and Quicke Answeres, 161.

Miller’s Jest-Book, 1, 2.

Millstone of the Schildburgers, 59.

Minstrel and Pupil, 166.

Monk Transformed, 81.

Moon a green cheese, 44.

Moon in the well, 92.

Moon swallowed by an ass, 46.

“Mortuus Loquens,” 160.

Mummy, The, 15.

Nasr-ed-Din Khoja, 89.

Natesa Sastri Pandit, 212.

Needham’s Hieroclis, 3.

Noodles, The Three Great, 191.

Norfolk Noodles, 17.

Norse Noodles, 123, 207.

Notts Bridge, 24.

Orientalist, The, 69, 87, 114, 143, 160.

Pancha Tantra, 67, 171.

Paradise, Man who came from, 204, 210, 212, 217.

Pedant, bald man, and barber, 6;
  and the lost book, 13;
  and his dream, 5,6;
  and the jar of feathers, 5;
  and his jar of wine, 9;
  and the mirror, 9;
  and the two slave-boys, 4;
  and his slave who died, 8;
  and the sparrows, 5;
  and the twin-brothers, 12;
  and his tomb, 8.

Persian Noodle, 7.

Persian Tales, 7, 66, 79.

Philotimus, 27.

Poet and the Dogs, 79.

Poggius’ Facetiae 160, 162.

Priest of Gotham, 42.

Princess caused to grow, 102.

Pupil, The Attentive, 165.

Ralston’s Russian Folk-Tales, 48, 153.

Relic-hunter, 95.

Rents of Gothamites, 27.

Right Hand or Left, 91.

River, “Boiling,” 30, 43.

Riviere’s Contes Populaires de la Kabylie du Djurdjura,
37, 154.

Russian Noodles, 47, 128, 151, 154, 195

Rustic and the Dog, 79.

Sacke Full of Newes, 46, 97.

Sa’di’s Gulistan, xi, 79.

Schilda, The Men of, 56.

Schoolmaster’s Lady-love, 83.

Sesame, Roasted, 120.

Sheep’s Eyes, Casting, 41, 126, 127.

Sicilian Boobies, 97, 116, 139, 165.

Silent Noodles, 107-117.

Silly Matt, 123.

Silly Son, The, 121.

Simple Simon, 121, 122.

Simpleton and Sharpers, 81.

Sindibad Nama, 66.

Sinhalese Noodles, 67-69, 87, 89, 113, 141, 165, 179, 217.

Smith, Alexander, 9.

Spade, The Stolen, 94.

Spinning-Wheel, The, 36.

Stephens, Henry, Tales by, 119.

Stokes’ Indian Fairy Tales, 154.

Summa Praaedicantium, The, 167.

Tabourot, Etienne, 8.

Tales and Quicke Answeres, 161.

Project Gutenberg
The Book of Noodles from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.