35. Mon-chu’ Bear Omaha.
36. Mon-chu’-pa Bear’s head Omaha.
37. Mon-e’-ga-he Arrow chief Ponca.
38. Mon-ge’-zi Yellow breast Omaha.
39. Mon-ka’-ta He of the earth Ponca.
40. Mon’-sa Arrow shaft Osage.
41. Mon’-te-ga New arrows Osage.
42. Ni-ni’-ba Pipe Omaha.
43. Ni’-sho-sho Swallow Omaha.
44. Non-ke’-ne Graceful walker (deer) Omaha.
45. Non’-nun-ge Runner Osage.
46. Non’-pe-wa-the He who is feared Omaha.
47. Nu’-da-hun-ga Captain Omaha.
48. O’-pa Elk Omaha.
49. Pa-he’-ta-pe Seeking the hills Omaha.
50. Pa’-na-hoo Owl Omaha.
51. Pa’-sun American eagle Omaha.
52. Pa-thon’ White-headed eagle Omaha.
53. Pe’-de-ga-he Fire chief Omaha.
54. Pe’-num-ba Seven Ponca.
55. Sha-ku’-ru Sun Pawnee.
56. Sha-thu’ Sound of the water Ponca.
57. Shon’-ge Wolf Omaha.
58. Shon’-ge-sab-be Black wolf Omaha.
59. Shon’-ge-ska White wolf Ponca.
60. Shon’-ge-zi Yellow wolf Ponca.
61. Shon’-ton-ga Grey wolf Ponca.
62. Sho-sho’-ka Osprey Omaha.
63. Shu’-ka-bi Bunch of clouds Ponca.
64. Ski’-rik Grey wolf Pawnee.
65. Ta-de’-ta To the wind Omaha.
66. Ta-de’-u-mon-thin Walking in the wind Omaha.
67. Te-thon’ White buffalo Omaha.
68. The’-ha Soles Omaha.
69. U’-ba-ni Digging in the earth (little creatures) Omaha.
70. U-ga’-e Spread out (herd of buffalo) Omaha.
71. Wa-he’-he Easy to break, fragile Omaha.
72. Wa-ke’-de One who shoots Omaha.
73. Wa-po’-ga Grey owl Omaha.
74. Wa-shis’-ka Shell Omaha.
75. Wash-kon’-hi Power of the thunder Omaha.
76. Wa-sho’-she Brave Omaha.
77. Wa-thu’-he Startles the game Omaha.
78. Wa-zhin’-ska Wisdom Omaha.
79. We’-kush-ton One who gives feast frequently Omaha.
80. Wi’-a-go Feather Dakota.
81. Zha’-be Beaver Omaha.