The second stanza should be repeated and the steps kept in rhythm until the dancers finally disperse.
All vowels have the Continental sound
The names here presented, for Boys, for Girls and for Camps, have been chosen out of many because the words are easily pronounced; none of them have any of the peculiar labial, nasal or guttural sounds common in the various Indian languages, which are difficult to represent by the letters of our alphabet and equally difficult for most Americans to pronounce.
1. A-di’-ta Priest Omaha. 2. An’-ge-da From every direction Omaha. 3. De’-mon-thin Talks as he walks Ponca. 4. E-di’-ton Standing as a sacred object Omaha. 5. Ga-he’-ge Chief Omaha. 6. Gu’-da-hi “There he goes!” A coyote Omaha. 7. Ha’-nu-ga-hi Nettle weed Ponca. 8. He’-ba-zhu Little horns Ponca. 9. He’-ga Buzzard Omaha. 10. He’-sha-be Dark antlers Omaha. 11. He’-thon-ton Towering antlers (elk) Omaha. 12. Ho-ho’ Fish Omaha. 13. Hon’-ga Imperial eagle Osage. 14. Hu’-ton-ton Roar of thunder Omaha. 15. I’-ku-ha-be He who causes fear Ponca. 16. I-shta’-pe-de Fire eyes (lightning) Ponca. 17. Ka-ge’-zhin-ga Little brother Omaha. 18. Ka-wa’-ha Very old name, meaning lost Omaha. 19. Ka’-wa-sab-be Black horse Osage. 20. Ka’-wa-ska White horse Osage. 21. Ka’-wa-zi Yellow horse Osage. 22. Ke’-ton-ga Great turtle Ponca. 23. Ke’-zhin-ga Little turtle Ponca. 24. Ki’-ko-ton-ga Curlew Omaha. 25. Ki’-mon-hon Facing the wind Omaha. 26. Ki’-wa-go Male buffalo Pawnee. 27. Ku’-ge Sound of the drum Omaha. 28. Ku’-rux Bear Pawnee. 29. Ku’-sox Left hand Pawnee. 30. Le-sha’-ro Chief Pawnee. 31. Mi’-da-in-ga Playful sun Osage. 32. Mi’-ka Raccoon Ponca. 33. Mi’-ka-si Coyote Omaha. 34. Min’-dse Bow Osage.