A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 687 pages of information about A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents.

A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 687 pages of information about A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents.
in North
America 1,737,304 2,703,173 446,664 3,149,837 4,887,141
British West
Indies 6,682,391 9,142,344 101,760 9,244,104 15,926,495
========================================================== r> Total 38,772,705 30,034,130 3,407,206 33,441,336 72,214,041
Cuba 58,201,374 12,643,955 7,064,787 19,708,742 77,910,116
Porto Rico 7,407,900 2,669,964 114,037 2,784,001 10,191,901
========================================================== r> Total 65,609,274 15,313,919 7,178,824 22,492,743 88,102,017
in America 696,952 1,174,056 45,514 1,219,570 1,916,522
Danish West
Indies 638,550 1,500,000 39,121 1,539,121 2,177,671
Dutch West
Indies and
Guiana 999,099 926,051 29,595 955,646 1,954,745
Hayti and
San Domingo 729,632 1,349,438 129,462 1,478,900 2,208,532
Islands 1,298,065 700,962 86,665 787,627 2,085,712
========================================================== r> Total 4,362,318 5,650,507 330,357 5,980,864 10,343,182
Mexico 7,232,006 3,836,699 1,047,408 4,884,107 12,116,113
States 733,296 1,324,336 52,146 1,376,482 2,109,778
Colombia 5,291,706 4,900,075 180,267 5,080,342 10,372,048
Peru 1,386,310 1,556,434 116,911 1,673,445 3,059,755
Chile 1,186,982 1,969,580 115,905 2,085,485 3,272,467
Republic 5,162,966 2,235,089 272,425 2,507,514 7,670,480
Uruguay 1,472,608 835,112 58,270 894,382 2,366,990
Brazil 24,912,450 5,910,565 158,514 6,069,079 30,981,529
Venezuela 2,431,760 1,191,888 29,176 1,221,064 3,652,824
========================================================== r> Total 49,810,084 23,760,878 2,031,022 25,791,900 75,601,984
total 158,554,381 74,759,434 12,947,409 87,706,843 246,261,224
========================================================== r> Total
States 437,314,255 413,954,615 25,173,414 439,128,029 876,442,284

Imports and exports of Great Britain with Spanish America and some
of the West India Islands for parts of the years 1868 and 1869

Project Gutenberg
A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.