The French Revolution eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,095 pages of information about The French Revolution.

The French Revolution eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,095 pages of information about The French Revolution.

Ushant, battle off.

Valadi, Marquis, Gardes Francaises and, guillotined.

Valaze, Girondin, on trial of Louis, plots at his house, trial of, kills himself.

Valenciennes, besieged, surrendered.

Varenne, Maton de la, his experiences in September.

Varigny, Bodyguard, massacred.

Varlet, ‘Apostle of Liberty,’ arrested.

Vendee, La, Commissioners to, state of, in 1792, insurrection in, war, after King’s death, on fire, pacificated.

Vendemiaire, Thirteenth, October 4, 1795.

Verdun, to be besieged, surrendered.

Vergennes, M. de, Prime Minister, death of.

Vergniaud, notice of, August Tenth, orations of, President at King’s condemnation, in fall of Girondins, trial of, at last supper of Girondins.

Vermond, Abbe de.

Versailles, death of Louis xv. at, in Bastille time, National Assembly at, troops to, march of women on, of French Guards on, insurrection scene at, the Chateau forced, prisoners massacred at.

Viard, Spy.

Vilate, Juryman, guillotined, book by.

Villaret-Joyeuse, Admiral, defeated by Howe.

Villequier, Duke de, emigrates.

Vincennes, riot at, saved by Lafayette.

Vincent, of War-Office, arrested, guillotined.

Voltaire, at Paris, described, burial-place of.

War, civil, becomes general.

Washington, key of Bastille sent to, formula for Lafayette.

Watigny, Battle of.

Weber, in Insurrection of Women, Queen leaving Vienna.

Westermann, August Tenth, purged out of the Jacobins, tried and guillotined.

Wimpfen, Girondin General.

York, Duke of, besieges Valenciennes and Dunkirk.

Young, Arthur, at French Revolution.

Project Gutenberg
The French Revolution from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.