The French Revolution eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,095 pages of information about The French Revolution.

The French Revolution eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,095 pages of information about The French Revolution.

Lafayette, bust of, erected, against Calonne, demands by, in Notables, Cromwell-Grandison, Bastille time, Vice-President of National Assembly, General of National Guard, resigns and reaccepts, Scipio-Americanus, thanked, rewarded, French Guards and, to Versailles, Fifth October, at Versailles, swears the Guards, Feuillant, on abolition of Titles, at Champ-de-Mars Federation, at De Castries’ riot, character of, in Day of Poniards, difficult position of, at King’s going to St. Cloud, resigns and reaccepts, at flight from Tuileries, after escape of King, moves for amnesty, resigns, decline of, doubtful against Jacobins, journey to Paris, to be accused, flies to Holland.

Laflotte, poison-plot, informer.

Lais, Sieur, Jacobin, with Louis Philippe.

Lally, death of.

Lamarche, guillotined.

Lamarck’s, illness of Mirabeau at.

Lamballe, Princess de, to England, intrigues for Royalists, at La Force, massacred.

Lameth, in Constituent Assembly, one of a trio, brothers, notice of,
Jacobins, Charles, Duke de Castries, brothers become constitutional,
Theodore, in First Parliament.

Lamoignon, Keeper of Seals, dismissed, effigy burned, and death of.

Lamotte, Countess de, and Diamond Necklace, in the Salpetriere,
‘Memoirs’ burned, in London, M. de, in prison.

Lamourette, Abbe, kiss of, guillotined.

Lanjuinais, Girondin, clothes torn, arrested, recalled.

Laporte, Intendant, guillotined.

Lariviere, Justice, imprisoned.

La Rochejacquelin, in La Vendee, death of.

Lasource, accuses Danton, president, and Marat, arrested, condemned.

Latour-Maubourg, notice of.

Launay, Marquis de, Governor of Bastille, besieged, unassisted, to blow up Bastille, massacred.

Lavergne, surrenders Longwi.

Lavoisier, Chemist, guillotined.

Law, Martial, in Paris, Book of the.

Lawyers, their influence on the Revolution, number of, in Tiers Etat, in
Parliament First.

Lazare, Maison de St., plundered.

Lebas at Strasburg, arrested,

Lebon, Priest, in National Convention, at Arras, guillotined.

Lechapelier, Deputy, and Insurrection of Women.

Lecointre, National Major, will not fight, active, in First Parliament.

Lefevre, Abbe, distributes powder.

Legendre, in danger, at Tuileries riot, in National Convention, against
Girondins, for Danton, locks out Jacobins, in First of Prairial.

Lenfant, Abbe, on Protestant claims, massacred.

Lepelletier, Section for Convention, revolt of, in Vendemiaire.

Lettres-de-cachet, and Parlement of Paris.

Project Gutenberg
The French Revolution from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.