The French Revolution eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,095 pages of information about The French Revolution.

The French Revolution eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,095 pages of information about The French Revolution.

Cabanis, Physician to Mirabeau.

Cabarus, Mlle., and Tallien, imprisoned.

Caen, Girondins at.

Calendar, Romme’s new, comparative ground-scheme of.

Calonne, M. de, Financier, character of, suavity and genius of, his difficulties, dismissed, marriage and after-course.

Calvados, for Girondism.

Camus, Archivist, in National Convention, with Dumouriez, imprisoned.

Cannon, Siamese, wooden, fever, Goethe on.

Carmagnole, costume, what, dances in Convention.

Carnot, Hippolyte, notice of, plan for Toulon, discovery in
Robespierre’s pocket.

Carpentras, against Avignon.

Carra, on plots for King’s flight, in National Convention.

Carrier, a Revolutionist, in National Assembly, Nantes noyades, guillotined.

Cartaux, General, fights Girondins, at Toulon.

Castries, Duke de, duel with Lameth.

Cathelineau, of La Vendee.

Cavaignac, Convention Representative.

Cazales, Royalist, in Constituent Assembly.

Cazotte, author of ‘Diable Amoureux,’ seized, saved for a time by his daughter.

Cercle, Social, of Fauchet.

Cerutti, his funeral oration on Mirabeau.

Cevennes, revolt of.

Chabot, of Mountain, against Kings, imprisoned.

Chabray, Louison, at Versailles, October Fifth.

Chalier, Jacobin, Lyons, executed, body raised.

Chambon, Dr., Mayor of Paris, retires.

Chamfort, Cynic, arrested, suicide.

Champ-de-Mars, Federation, preparations for, accelerated by patriots, anecdotes of, Federation-scene at, funeral-service, Nanci, riot, Patriot petition, 1791, new Federation, 1792.

Champs Elysees, Menads at, festivities in.

Chantilly Palace, a prison.

Chapt-Rastignac, Abbe de, massacred.

Charenton, Marseillese at.

Charles I., Trial of, sold in Paris.

Charleville Artillery.

Chartres, grain-riot at.

Chateaubriands in French Revolution.

Chatelet, Achille de, advises Republic.

Chatillon-sur-Sevre, insurrection at.

Chaumette, notice of, signs petition, in governing committee, at King’s trial, demands constitution, arrest and death of.

Chauvelin, Marquis de, in London, dismissed.

Chenaye, Baudin de la, massacred.

Chenier, Poet, and Mlle. Theroigne.

Chepy, at La Force in September.

Choiseul, Duke, why dismissed.

Choiseul, Colonel Duke, assists Louis’s flight, too late at Varennes.

Project Gutenberg
The French Revolution from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.