The French Revolution eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,095 pages of information about The French Revolution.

The French Revolution eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,095 pages of information about The French Revolution.

Bearn, riot at.

Beauharnais in Champ-de-Mars, Josephine, imprisoned, and Napoleon, at La

Beaumarchais, Caron, his lawsuit, his ‘Mariage de Figaro,’ commissions arms from Holland, his distress.

Beaumont, Archbishop, notice of.

Beaurepaire, Governor of Verdun, shoots himself.

Bentham, Jeremy, naturalised.

Berline, towards Varennes.

Berthier, Intendant, fled, arrested and massacred.

Berthier, Commandant, at Versailles.

Besenval, Baron, Commandant of Paris, on French Finance, in riot of Rue St. Antoine, on corruption of Guards, at Champ-de-Mars, apparition to, decamps, and Louis xvi.

Bethune, riot at.

Beurnonville, with Dumouriez, imprisoned.

Billaud-Varennes, Jacobin, cruel, at massacres, September 1792, in Salut Committee, and Robespierre’s Etre Supreme, accuses Robespierre, accused, banished.

Blanc, Le, landlord at Varennes, escape of family.

Blood, baths of.

Bonchamps, in La Vendee War.

Bonnemere, Aubin, at Siege of Bastille.

Bouille, at Metz, account of, character of, troops mutinous, and Salm regiment, intrepidity of, marches on Nanci, quells Nanci mutineers, at Mirabeau’s funeral, expects fugitive King, would liberate King, emigrates.

Bouille, Junior, asleep at Varennes, flies to father.

Bourdeaux, priests hanged at, for Girondism.

Boyer, duellist.

Brest, sailors revolt, state of, in 1791, Federes in Paris, in 1793.

Breteuil, Home-Secretary.

Breton Club, germ of Jacobins.

Bretons, deputations of, Girondins.

Breze, Marquis de, his mode of ushering, and National Assembly, extraordinary etiquette.

Brienne, Lomenie, anti-protestant, in Notables, incapacity of, failure of, arrests Paris Parlement, secret scheme, scheme discovered, arrests two Parlementeers, bewildered, desperate shifts by, wishes for Necker, dismissed, and provided for, his effigy burnt.

Brissac, Duke de, commands Constitutional Guard, disbanded.

Brissot, edits ‘Moniteur,’ friend of Blacks, in First Parliament, plans in 1792, active in Assembly, in Jacobins, at Roland’s, pelted in Assembly, arrested, trial of, guillotined.

Brittany, disturbances in.

Broglie, Marshal, against Plenary Court, in command, in office, dismissed.

Brunswick, Duke, marches on France, advances, Proclamation, at Verdun, at Argonne, retreats.

Buffon, Mme. de, and Duke d’Orleans, at d’Orleans execution.

Buttafuoco, Napoleon’s letter to.

Buzot, in National Convention, arrested, retreats to Bourdeaux, end of.

Project Gutenberg
The French Revolution from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.