The French Revolution eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,095 pages of information about The French Revolution.

The French Revolution eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,095 pages of information about The French Revolution.
meaning a Thing, and not a Babblement meaning No-thing.  In the Restaurateur’s of the Palais Royal, the waiter remarks, “Fine weather, Monsieur:”—­“Yes, my friend,” answers the ancient Man of Letters, “very fine; but Mirabeau is dead.”  Hoarse rhythmic threnodies comes also from the throats of balladsingers; are sold on gray-white paper at a sou each. (Fils Adoptif, viii. l. 19; Newspapers and Excerpts (in Hist.  Parl. ix. 366-402).) But of Portraits, engraved, painted, hewn, and written; of Eulogies, Reminiscences, Biographies, nay Vaudevilles, Dramas and Melodramas, in all Provinces of France, there will, through these coming months, be the due immeasurable crop; thick as the leaves of Spring.  Nor, that a tincture of burlesque might be in it, is Gobel’s Episcopal Mandement wanting; goose Gobel, who has just been made Constitutional Bishop of Paris.  A Mandement wherein ca ira alternates very strangely with Nomine Domini, and you are, with a grave countenance, invited to ’rejoice at possessing in the midst of you a body of Prelates created by Mirabeau, zealous followers of his doctrine, faithful imitators of his virtues.’ (Hist.  Parl. ix. 405.) So speaks, and cackles manifold, the Sorrow of France; wailing articulately, inarticulately, as it can, that a Sovereign Man is snatched away.  In the National Assembly, when difficult questions are astir, all eyes will ’turn mechanically to the place where Mirabeau sat,’—­and Mirabeau is absent now.

On the third evening of the lamentation, the fourth of April, there is solemn Public Funeral; such as deceased mortal seldom had.  Procession of a league in length; of mourners reckoned loosely at a hundred thousand!  All roofs are thronged with onlookers, all windows, lamp-irons, branches of trees.  ‘Sadness is painted on every countenance; many persons weep.’  There is double hedge of National Guards; there is National Assembly in a body; Jacobin Society, and Societies; King’s Ministers, Municipals, and all Notabilities, Patriot or Aristocrat.  Bouille is noticeable there, ‘with his hat on;’ say, hat drawn over his brow, hiding many thoughts!  Slow-wending, in religious silence, the Procession of a league in length, under the level sun-rays, for it is five o’clock, moves and marches:  with its sable plumes; itself in a religious silence; but, by fits, with the muffled roll of drums, by fits with some long-drawn wail of music, and strange new clangour of trombones, and metallic dirge-voice; amid the infinite hum of men.  In the Church of Saint-Eustache, there is funeral oration by Cerutti; and discharge of fire-arms, which ‘brings down pieces of the plaster.’  Thence, forward again to the Church of Sainte-Genevieve; which has been consecrated, by supreme decree, on the spur of this time, into a Pantheon for the Great Men of the Fatherland, Aux Grands Hommes la Patrie reconnaissante.  Hardly at midnight is the business done; and Mirabeau left in his dark dwelling:  first tenant of that Fatherland’s Pantheon.

Project Gutenberg
The French Revolution from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.