Representative Plays by American Dramatists: 1856-1911: Francesca da Rimini eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 145 pages of information about Representative Plays by American Dramatists.

Representative Plays by American Dramatists: 1856-1911: Francesca da Rimini eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 145 pages of information about Representative Plays by American Dramatists.

  PAOLO.  I must go. [Going.

  FRANCESCA.  O! no—­Paolo—­dearest!—­ [Clinging to him.

PAOLO.  Loose thy hold! 
’Tis for thy sake, and Lanciotto’s; I
Am as a cipher in the reckoning. 
I have resolved.  Thou canst but stretch the time. 
Keep me to-day, and I will fly to-morrow—­Steal
from thee like a thief. [Struggles with her.

FRANCESCA.  Paolo—­love—­
Indeed, you hurt me!—­Do not use me thus! 
Kill me, but do not leave me.  I will laugh—­
long, gay, ringing laugh—­if thou wilt draw
Thy pitying sword, and stab me to the heart!

    [Enter LANCIOTTO behind.]

Nay, then, one kiss!

  LANCIOTTO. [Advancing between them.] Take it:  ’twill be the last.

  PAOLO.  Lo!  Heaven is just!

  FRANCESCA.  The last! so be it. [Kisses PAOLO.

Dare you these tricks before my very face?

FRANCESCA.  Why not?  I’ve kissed him in the sight of heaven;
Are you above it?

  PAOLO.  Peace, Francesca, peace!

LANCIOTTO.  Paolo—­why, thou sad and downcast man,
Look up!  I have some words to speak with thee. 
Thou art not guilty?

PAOLO.  Yes, I am.  But she
Has been betrayed; so she is innocent. 
Her father tampered with her.  I—­

FRANCESCA.  ’Tis false! 
The guilt is mine.  Paolo was entrapped
By love and cunning.  I am shrewder far
Than you suspect.

PAOLO.  Lanciotto, shut thy ears;
She would deceive thee.

LANCIOTTO.  Silence, both of you! 
Is guilt so talkative in its defense? 
Then, let me make you judge and advocate
In your own cause.  You are not guilty?

  PAOLO.  Yes.

LANCIOTTO.  Deny it—­but a word—­say no.  Lie, lie! 
And I’ll believe.

  PAOLO.  I dare not.

  LANCIOTTO.  Lady, you?

  FRANCESCA.  If I might speak for him—­

LANCIOTTO.  It cannot be: 
Speak for yourself.  Do you deny your guilt?

  FRANCESCA.  No!  I assert it; but—­

LANCIOTTO.  In heaven’s name, hold! 
Will neither of you answer no to me? 
A nod, a hint, a sign, for your escape. 
Bethink you, life is centred in this thing. 
Speak!  I will credit either.  No reply? 
What does your crime deserve?

  PAOLO.  Death.

  FRANCESCA.  Death to both.

LANCIOTTO.  Well said!  You speak the law of Italy;
And by the dagger you designed for me,
In Pepe’s hand,—­your bravo?

Project Gutenberg
Representative Plays by American Dramatists: 1856-1911: Francesca da Rimini from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.