Riders of the Purple Sage eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 413 pages of information about Riders of the Purple Sage.

Riders of the Purple Sage eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 413 pages of information about Riders of the Purple Sage.

Venters raised the bridle of his horse and followed the broad cattle trail.  The crushed sage resembled the path of a monster snake.  In a few miles of travel he passed several cows and calves that had escaped the drive.  Then he stood on the last high bench of the slope with the floor of the valley beneath.  The opening of the canyon showed in a break of the sage, and the cattle trail paralleled it as far as he could see.  That trail led to an undiscovered point where Oldring drove cattle into the pass, and many a rider who had followed it had never returned.  Venters satisfied himself that the rustlers had not deviated from their usual course, and then he turned at right angles off the cattle trail and made for the head of the pass.

The sun lost its heat and wore down to the western horizon, where it changed from white to gold and rested like a huge ball about to roll on its golden shadows down the slope.  Venters watched the lengthening of the rays and bars, and marveled at his own league-long shadow.  The sun sank.  There was instant shading of brightness about him, and he saw a kind of cold purple bloom creep ahead of him to cross the canyon, to mount the opposite slope and chase and darken and bury the last golden flare of sunlight.

Venters rode into a trail that he always took to get down into the canyon.  He dismounted and found no tracks but his own made days previous.  Nevertheless he sent the dog Ring ahead and waited.  In a little while Ring returned.  Whereupon Venters led his horse on to the break in the ground.

The opening into Deception Pass was one of the remarkable natural phenomena in a country remarkable for vast slopes of sage, uplands insulated by gigantic red walls, and deep canyons of mysterious source and outlet.  Here the valley floor was level, and here opened a narrow chasm, a ragged vent in yellow walls of stone.  The trail down the five hundred feet of sheer depth always tested Venters’s nerve.  It was bad going for even a burro.  But Wrangle, as Venters led him, snorted defiance or disgust rather than fear, and, like a hobbled horse on the jump, lifted his ponderous iron-shod fore hoofs and crashed down over the first rough step.  Venters warmed to greater admiration of the sorrel; and, giving him a loose bridle, he stepped down foot by foot.  Oftentimes the stones and shale started by Wrangle buried Venters to his knees; again he was hard put to it to dodge a rolling boulder, there were times when he could not see Wrangle for dust, and once he and the horse rode a sliding shelf of yellow, weathered cliff.  It was a trail on which there could be no stops, and, therefore, if perilous, it was at least one that did not take long in the descent.

Venters breathed lighter when that was over, and felt a sudden assurance in the success of his enterprise.  For at first it had been a reckless determination to achieve something at any cost, and now it resolved itself into an adventure worthy of all his reason and cunning, and keenness of eye and ear.

Project Gutenberg
Riders of the Purple Sage from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.