Riders of the Purple Sage eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 413 pages of information about Riders of the Purple Sage.

Riders of the Purple Sage eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 413 pages of information about Riders of the Purple Sage.

“He’s changed from one to the other!” ejaculated Venters, realizing the astounding feat with unstinted admiration.  “Changed at full speed!  Jerry Card, that’s what you’ve done unless I’m drunk on the smell of sage.  But I’ve got to see the trick before I believe it.”

Thenceforth, while Wrangle sped on, Venters glued his eyes to the little rider.  Jerry Card rode as only he could ride.  Of all the daring horsemen of the uplands, Jerry was the one rider fitted to bring out the greatness of the blacks in that long race.  He had them on a dead run, but not yet at the last strained and killing pace.  From time to time he glanced backward, as a wise general in retreat calculating his chances and the power and speed of pursuers, and the moment for the last desperate burst.  No doubt, Card, with his life at stake, gloried in that race, perhaps more wildly than Venters.  For he had been born to the sage and the saddle and the wild.  He was more than half horse.  Not until the last call—­the sudden up-flashing instinct of self-preservation—­would he lose his skill and judgment and nerve and the spirit of that race.  Venters seemed to read Jerry’s mind.  That little crime-stained rider was actually thinking of his horses, husbanding their speed, handling them with knowledge of years, glorying in their beautiful, swift, racing stride, and wanting them to win the race when his own life hung suspended in quivering balance.  Again Jerry whirled in his saddle and the sun flashed red on his face.  Turning, he drew Black Star closer and closer toward Night, till they ran side by side, as one horse.  Then Card raised himself in the saddle, slipped out of the stirrups, and, somehow twisting himself, leaped upon Black Star.  He did not even lose the swing of the horse.  Like a leech he was there in the other saddle, and as the horses separated, his right foot, that had been apparently doubled under him, shot down to catch the stirrup.  The grace and dexterity and daring of that rider’s act won something more than admiration from Venters.

For the distance of a mile Jerry rode Black Star and then changed back to Night.  But all Jerry’s skill and the running of the blacks could avail little more against the sorrel.

Venters peered far ahead, studying the lay of the land.  Straightaway for five miles the trail stretched, and then it disappeared in hummocky ground.  To the right, some few rods, Venters saw a break in the sage, and this was the rim of Deception Pass.  Across the dark cleft gleamed the red of the opposite wall.  Venters imagined that the trail went down into the Pass somewhere north of those ridges.  And he realized that he must and would overtake Jerry Card in this straight course of five miles.

Project Gutenberg
Riders of the Purple Sage from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.