Distressing, indeed, is war! Its ravages cause us horror. Luckless Filipinos succumb in the confusion of combat, leaving behind them mothers, widows and children. America could put up with all the misfortunes she brings on us without discomfort; but what the North American people are not agreeable to is that she should continue sacrificing her sons, causing distress and anguish to mothers, widows and daughters to satisfy the whim of maintaining a war in contravention of their honourable traditions as enunciated by Washington and Jefferson.
Go back, therefore, North American people, to your old-time liberty. Put your hand on your heart and tell me: Would it be pleasant for you if, in the course of time, North America should find herself in the pitiful plight, of a weak and oppressed people and the Philippines, a free and powerful nation, then at war with your oppressors, asked for your aid promising to deliver you from such a weighty yoke, and after defeating her enemy with your aid she set about subjugating you, refusing the promised liberation?
Civilized nations! Honourable inhabitants of the United States, to whose high and estimable consideration I submit this unpretentious work, herein you have the providential facts which led to the unjust attack upon the existence of the Philippine Republic and the existence of those for whom, though unworthy, God made me the principal guardian.
The veracity of these facts rests upon my word as President of this Republic and on the honour of the whole population of eight million souls, who, for more than three hundred years have been sacrificing the lives and wealth of their brave sons to obtain due recognition of the natural rights of mankind—liberty and independence.
If you will do me the honour to receive and read this work and then pass judgment impartially solemnly declaring on which side right and justice rests, your respectful servant will be eternally grateful.
(Signed) Emilio Aguinaldo.
Tarlak, 23rd September, 1899.
[1] A kind of sword—Translator.
[2] Of their own free will and accord—Translator.
[3] Suspension bridge.—Translator.
[4] Philippine Local Exhibition.—Translator.
[5] Short sword—Translator.
[6] The “Black Hole” of Manila.
[7] Many of the American papers reported that the majority was one vote only in excess of the absolutely requisite two-thirds majority.
I.—The Revolution of 1896; 1.
II.—The Treaty of Peace of Biak-na-bato;
III.—Negotiations; 6.
IV.—The Revolution of 1898; 19.
V.—The Dictatorial Government; 22.
VI.—The First Triumphs; 24.
VII.—The Philippine Flag; 26.
VIII.—Expedition to Bisayas; 28.