Napoleon, 43, 47, 50, 51, 57, 61, 62, 64, 202.
Netheravon, 14 seq.
Newman, Cardinal, 221 n.
Newton, Bishop, 77.
Nicholas Nickleby (Dickens), 209.
Noodle’s Oration, 188, 228.
Norfolk, Duke of, 113.
O’Connell, 106, 128.
Orangemen, 65.
Oswald, 35.
Oxford, 9, 13.
Oxford Movement, 151 n., 219.
Paley, 217, 218.
Palmerston, 3.
Paradise Lost, parody of, 159.
Paris, 122, 162.
“Partington, Mrs,” Speech, 148.
Pascal, 76.
Peace, blessings of, 156-7, 191, 202.
Peel, 3, 32, 125, 161.
Pelham, Bishop, 78.
Perceval, Spencer, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 57, 59,
61, 62, 63, 65, 70, 72,
73, 78, 124, 140, 198, 201 n., 221.
—— Charles George, 73 n.
Persecuting Bishops, 88 n., 91,195, 207.
Persecution, Religious, 117 seq., 200.
Peter Plymley’s Letters, 43, 44, 45-76,
195, 197.
Petre, Catholic family, 117.
Peveril of the Peak (Scott), 209.
Philips, Sir George, 34 n., 88, 89.
Phillips, J.S.R., 110.
Philosophy, Moral, Lectures on, 31, 33seq., 216 n.
Pirate, The (Scott), 208.
Pitt, 7n 22, 40, 41, 50, 51, 75, 106.
Plato, 35.
Playfair, John, 17, 25.
Pluralities, Church, 77 seq.
“Pocket Boroughs,” 137 seq.
Poetical Medicine Chest, The, 83.
Pope, 207.
Praeterita (Ruskin), 210,
Preaching, 19seq.
Prebends, confiscation of, 164, 168, seq.
Provincial Letters (Pascal), 76,
Puseyites, 222-3.
Pybus, John, 22.
Quarterly Review, 139, 224 n.
Raikes, Robert, 15.
Railways, Mismanagement of, 189, 190,
Records of the Creation (Bishop of
Chester), 90.
Redesdale, Lord, 56.
Reform Bill, 136 seq., 147-149, 199.
Reform, Speech on, 139 seq., 142-144.
Reid, Mr. Stuart, 16, 83, 86, 111, 198, 209 n.
—— (philosopher), 34.
Religion in England, 222 n.
Retaliation, Policy of, 62, 72.
Revolution of 1688, 53, 54, 117.
—— French, 135, 201.
Riots, Bristol, 202.
Rogers, Samuel, 29, 87, 160
Romilly, Sir Samuel, 29.
Rose, Mr., 63.
Rousseau, 80.
Ruskin, 210.
Russell, Lord John, 42, 123, 138, 140, 167, 172.
Life of (Walpole), 62n.
Sadler, Michael Thomas, 139.
Salaries, Bishops’, 172.
Scarlett, James (Lord Abinger), 29.
Schools, Public, 3, 5seq., 10, 131n.
Scotch, The, 28, 54.
Scott, 18, 208, 209.
Selwyn, George Augustus, 189.
Seneca, 176.
Sermons, extracts from, 20, 21, 96, 97-105, 220, 224-5.
Sevigne, Madame de, 208.